
Women’s Advancement Magazine

Once a year, The Women's Advancement Initiative publishes a magazine with student and faculty success stories, features on the legacy of Hartford College for Women, and much more.

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Hartford College for Women Newsletter

HCD newsletter cover

Read the premiere edition of the Hartford College for Women newsletter that includes alumnae reflections, special spotlights, 90th anniversary photos, and upcoming events.

Hartford College 90th Commemorative Book

HCW Book Cover

The Hartford College for Women legacy is rich with stories. Read the commemorative book which celebrates the biographical timeline of events and people that shaped this legacy. If you are interested in ordering a hard copy book, email

W Magazine 2023

W Magazine Cover 2023

This special anniversary issue celebrates Hartford College for Women and “90 Years of Educating Women in Hartford.” The 1933 “noble experiment”’ grew into an empowering legacy that connects a sisterhood across time. Read stories that honor our past, celebrate the present, and grant this legacy to the future.

W Magazine 2022

W magazine cover image

This special anniversary issue celebrates 10 years of our LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) program. Read inspiring stories about strength and celebration, the HCW legacy, and our organization’s impact.

W Magazine 2021

W Magazine 2021
Read amazing stories about how the women served through our programs lead with adaptability, empathy, and courage.

W Magazine 2020

women on bench

Discover how our LEAD students, HCW alumnae, and friends embrace diversity, build community, persevere, and demonstrate resiliency every day.

W Magazine 2019


Learn more about our LEAD students, the HCW legacy, our Laura Johnson Leaders, and much more.

W Magazine 2018


Read about the programs development over 85 years, lead student success stories, Dorothy Goodwin scholars, and much more.

W Magazine 2017

magazine 2017

Read about how the LEAD program helps student accept prestigious internship, how students build strong networks, and what brought Karin and Bill Stahl to LEAD.