
Honors Program Student Experience

Take the challenge. Push your boundaries.

We’re proud to offer our students new opportunities to excel, to reach higher, and to achieve more during their time at UHart. We want students to explore a program that pushes your boundaries, keeping you engaged, immersed, and invested. That’s why our Honors Program is designed to challenge high-achieving students, fueling your thirst for knowledge through intellectually stimulating courses, interdisciplinary seminars, and senior projects that are supported by exceptional faculty as their mentors and guides. Regardless of your path, our Honors Program aligns with each school and college so that students can further their passion. 

Jessica Camarillo

Mechanical Engineering, 2024

Jessica Camarillo '24, a Mechanical Engineering major and Mathematics minor, found the Honors Program to be a meaningful part of her college career as it was a unique challenge and opportunity for her to grow and prosper. In addition, the connections she has made with faculty that have helped her along the way has been the most memorable part of her Honors Experience. Jessica's senior project was the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project.

I've always been very driven and was eager to go above and beyond my studies. From the new opportunities that the Honors Program allowed me to pursue, I was able to still challenge myself and give myself room to grow instead of sticking to the original paved path."

The Honors Program has prepared me for my future by equipping me with essential skills and experiences that are instrumental for success in my career and academic pursuits. Through challenging coursework, collaborative projects, and many opportunities, I have honed critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that will be invaluable in my professional journey."

Married Haswed Mesilien '24 M'25, Climate Innovation in Insurance - Connecting Thought and Technology for the Future

Caitlin Trutnau

Politics and Government, 2024

Caitlin Trutnau '24, a Politics and Government major and Psychology minor, has had a lot of great opportunities she's been able to take advantage of as a result of the Honors Program. Some of those opportunities have been enrolling in interesting seminars, designing research projects, presenting at conferences and on campus, and serving as an Honors Ambassador. Caitlin's senior project was State Action on Social Media: An Analysis of Law and Precedent/Constitutionality of State Immigration Policies

I think the Honors Program has prepared me for my future in a few different ways. The Honors Program gave me experience with designing and writing research projects, which I know I will use as I continue my journey in graduate school. The Honors Program also introduced me to other dedicated students throughout my time at the University during Honors events and through Hawk Hall. Lastly, it’s a great thing to put on your resume that may set you apart in job and internship applications when the time comes!"

The Honors Program is such a fantastic way to take advantage of your college experience, it's the same course load, but with such unique additions. Engaging in interesting course topics, conferences, and other Honors based opportunities is a great way to gain an overall sense of what you really want to achieve during and post college."

Clarice Jayawickrema '24, Senior Project: Understanding Labor Emigration from Modern Sri Lanka

Omario Ricketts

Biology, 2023

As a pre-med student with an interest in medical research, Ricketts hit the ground running and was able to accomplish a lot of great things in his time at UHart and in the Honors Program. When not in the classroom learning, you could find him serving as a laboratory instructor, a tutor for general and organic chemistry, and a student ambassador. In the Honors Program, his senior Honors Research Project The Influences of Climate Change and Vibrio Parahaemolyticus on Crassostrea Virginia (Eastern Oyster), allowed him the opportunity to collaborate with both his advisor and professors to build the project from scratch through results. Through the Honors program, he was exposed to activities that are common to his field of interest including conferences and design competitions which gave him an early opportunity for first-hand exposure prior to graduation. 

Omario was the 2023 recipient of the Belle K. Ribicoff Prize

The Honors Program opens the door to be more engaged in your classes and area of study."

The Honors Program has prepared me for the future by providing me with the skills of thinking critically, engaging in difficult conversations, and working with people from different cultural and professional backgrounds. The Honors Program has also provided me with the tools to conduct research, write coherently and persuasively, and clearly and effectively communicate my ideas. I am very thankful for the opportunities that the Honors Program has presented to me."

Christina Stone, Double Major: Psychology & Philosophy

Céilí Leahy

Nursing-BSN, 2024

Céilí Leahy '24, a student in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, found the most meaningful aspect of the Honors Program to be the opportunity for deeper exploration into topics that are of interest beyond traditional coursework. Céilí has found it rewarding to have acceptance of her projects by both her professors and peers, ad the willingness to implement this work into the curriculum. Céilí's senior project was Using Simulation to Improve Culturally Competent Care of LGBTQ+ Individuals.

The honors program offers a unique opportunity for academic and personal growth. My advice is to approach everything with curiosity and a willingness to learn and challenge yourself. The experience will leave you with a deeper appreciation for knowledge, a stronger sense of purpose, and a lifelong passion for learning."

The most meaningful aspect of the Honors Program was the opportunity to explore topics that are important to me but not necessarily directly a part of my course material. I also was able to build connections with faculty members and scholars that I otherwise would not have met, but had the chance to due to the research and presentations I did as part of my project. The Honors Program prepared me for my future by sparking an interest in advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights in medical spaces as well as allowing me to academically push myself, which has prepared me for applying for graduate programs."

Kai Hobbs '23 Respiratory Therapy, Senior Project: Improving the Cultural Competence of Healthcare Providers in Serving Transgender Patients

Dana Brooks

Criminal Justice, 2022

Upon graduation, Dana Brooks plans to attend law school to become a criminal defense lawyer. An Honors student pursuing a major in criminal justice and minors in sociology and Spanish, Dana wants to work to reform the criminal justice system, particularly with regard to how it impacts marginalized and oppressed people. Her Senior Project was titled Perceptions of Zero-Tolerance Policies in High Schools.


The Honors Program allowed me to develop my academic writing skills through Honors writing-intensive courses. In addition, the Honors Program enhanced my oral presentation skills through practice with Northeast Regional Honors Council, the Honors Colloquium, and the Honors Defense; I often use this experience when presenting research at my internships! I was provided with the opportunity to have smaller class sizes, develop critical thinking and interdisciplinary skills, and study a topic that I am passionate about. I am now able to use my Honors thesis as material to show I have done research and studies in my field and I believe this was a big factor in my acceptance to law school!"