Postdoctoral Fellow, United States Environmental Protection Agency
PhD, University of South Carolina
MS, University of West Florida
BA, University of Colorado at Boulder
Research Interests
My research centers around questions in the field of ecological physiology; how an organism uses its physiology to adapt to its environment and what form these adaptations may take. Specifically, I examine both the whole organism and cellular-level responses to anthropogenic climate change factors (temperature, acidification, hypoxia and salinity), and strive to answer questions of what short-term physiological adjustments organisms must undergo to cope with a changing environment, and potentially identify long-term adaptations. I work with aquatic organisms from marine and brackish environments, and explore how stress response pathways, energy demands, and acid-base homeostasis are impacted by both environmental and seasonal changes these organisms must face.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
A list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.
Interest Areas
Ecological physiology, global climate change, molecular and cellular biology