Computing Sciences
College of Arts and Sciencesrosiene@hartford.edu 860.768.4699 Dana 335 http://rosiene.cs.hartford.edu/
PhD, University of Connecticut
MS, University of Connecticut
MS, Pace University
BS, University of Santo Tomas
Carolyn Pe Rosiene is a professor of computer science in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Hartford. She joined the faculty in 1995 after receiving her doctorate degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Connecticut, and served as department chair from 2016-24. Her areas of expertise include software performance engineering and computer science pedagogy. She has authored numerous publications in these areas in refereed journals and conference publications. She has served on conference boards, chaired conference sessions, and been a referee to several conferences.
Rosiene teaches a wide array of computer science courses from first-year to upper-level courses. These include Introduction to Computers, Fundamentals of Computing I and II, Introduction to Internet Programming, Data Structures, Computer Architecture and Assembly Language, Programming Languages, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Software Development, Computer Networks, and Operating Systems. She has been a reviewer for several mainstream computer science textbooks. She has also been involved in a variety of university, college, and departmental service groups including the Faculty Senate, the Student Affairs Committee, the Bent/Larsen/Trachtenberg Award Committee, the Arts and Sciences Council on Promotion and Tenure, the President's Advisory Board on Minority Affairs, and the Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Standing and Educational Policy, and the Dean’s Review Oversight Committee.