
Development + Alumni Affairs Annual Holiday Decorating Contest and Open House


The Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (formerly Institutional Advancement) is thrilled to bring back its annual holiday decorating contest and open house!

Stop by ODAA to see the explosion of holiday decor, vote for your favorite decorations, and snack on holiday treats. The competition is always fierce, and you get to determine the winner!

WHEN: Tuesday, Dec. 19, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (located behind HPAC)

WHO: All faculty and staff are welcome
WHY: To spread holiday cheer and visit with friends before the break, of course!

PS: Help us give back! Please consider supporting the Nosh Food Pantry by bringing a nonperishable food donation. We will have a collection box near our front door and invite you to bring a donation to support our local UHart community.