
Seeking Faculty for Clinical Doctoral Student Study

Doctoral students at the University of Hartford’s Clinical Psychology PsyD program are kindly requesting your participation in a doctoral research study titled, “The Effects of Mindfulness on Resilience and Burnout in Professors.”

The intention is to assess the effect of a brief mindfulness intervention on resilience factors and symptoms of burnout.The study involves completing basic demographic information, a pre-test and post-test survey, and participating in a brief (less than ten minutes per day) self-guided mindfulness activity. Participation is completely voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time. The study is completely anonymous. Therefore, it does not require you to provide your name or any other identifying information. Your participation in the research will be of great importance to assist in effective intervention recommendations for educators experiencing high levels of stress.

If you are interested in participating in this resrearch study please reach out to either Miranda Piris at, or Arielle Solomon at, for more information on how to participate. 

Thank you for your time and participation.