
Distracted Driving Awareness Day 2024


The Department of Public Safety will be hosting their annual Distracted Driving Awareness Day event on Thursday, April 11, from noon to 3 p.m., on the GSU Lawn. This event was brought to the University by Harvey Gibbs ’24, co-chair of the planning committee, and is hosted in collaboration with the Connecticut State Police (CSP), Office of Residential Life, and Aramark. 

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted Driving Awareness Day brings awareness to the UHart community regarding the dangers of driving while distracted (using a cell phone, under the influence, and/or reaching for items that fall under or behind a seat).

The Connecticut State Police will be setting up “The Convincer,” a seatbelt and crash simulator. Officers will provide firsthand knowledge and experience regarding CT’s distracted driving problem. There will be interactive tabling to explain tips on how to avoid distracted driving and a BBQ provided by Aramark.