
Faculty/Staff Headshots April 16 & 22

Photoshoots are taking place on Tuesday, April 16, and Monday, April 22, to provide faculty and staff an opportunity to get a professional headshot photo taken for the directory and profile pages on the University's website. Please sign up using the links below.
Photoshoots will take place on the second floor of the Mortensen Library, on the balcony.
  • What if I can’t make it?
    Don’t worry, we will schedule more of these in the future.
  • What should I wear?
    We recommend professional attire.
  • How long does it take?
    It takes about 5-10 minutes.
  • I got my headshot taken before, but…can I get another one?
    We want everyone to feel their best about their representation, but please understand that there are many new members of our community who have not had a chance to have their photos taken, and we will need to prioritize if the slots fill up quickly. We will hold more shoots in the future.
  • More Questions?
    Contact Senior Director of Brand and Creative Alicia Post Lindstadt at, or your school or college's marketing communication manager.