On Oct. 3, 2024, Anthology will host its annual Fix Your Content Day contest. As part of our campus-wide commitment to inclusive education, we will be participating using Anthology® Ally capabilities. For 24 hours, we’ll be on a mission to fix as many accessibility issues in course files as we can. At the end of the day, the campus with the most files improved will be recognized and awarded a prize.
How can you help? Begin reviewing your courses and identifying those with red and orange indicators. Then, on Oct. 3, start improving as many files as possible using those indicators as a guide. Focus on images that need a description and Microsoft® Word documents to start. Aim for 100 percent, but improvement is what counts!
For more information on how to fix files using Anthology Ally, check out our help page: Fix Your Blackboard Content Day 2024—University of Hartford.
If you need help, contact Academic Technology, Teaching, and Learning at actech@hartford.edu.