Storm Alert

Due to significant snow and ice accumulation, the University of Hartford will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 16. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday.


Pass the Kindness: A November Initiative for Gratitude

Acts of Kindness Graphic

November is the National Month of Gratitude, encouraging all of us to embrace the power of kindness and giving thanks. To help the UHart community recognize our colleagues and students, we have recreated the Random Acts of UHart campaign. This initiative challenges the campus community to “pass the kindness” by giving and receiving notes of gratitude.

Community members will be able to pick up sets of 2 Kindness Cards at a UHart Kindness Hub, write words of encouragement and acknowledgment to another member of the UHart community (any student, faculty, or staff) on one card, then “Pass the Kindness” by giving both cards – the one that they wrote and a blank one — to their intended recipient. Then the recipient has a Kindness Card that they can in turn complete for someone else and Pass the Kindness too!

Our goal is to spread kindness through at least 1,877 Random Acts of UHart throughout the month of November.

A special thank you to Karen Schermerhorn for once again spearheading this initiative.

Kindness Hubs: 

You can pick up Kindness Cards at the Kindness Hubs listed below.

Barney School of Business Dean’s Office

Center for Student Success

College of Arts & Sciences and Hillyer College Dean’s Office

College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions Dean’s Office

Dean of Students Office

Development and Alumni Affairs

Harrison Libraries

Hartt Community Division

Hartford Art School Dean’s Office   

Human Resources Development

International Center 

Jewish Life (Hillel Center)

Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion

Residential Life

The Hartt School

University Interdisciplinary Studies