Storm Alert

Due to significant snow and ice accumulation, the University of Hartford will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 16. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday.


Updated Timesheet Instructions

As an addendum to the most recent UNotes posting regarding timesheets, Payroll is providing an enhanced version of the ESS9 timesheet instructions, attached here and available on Payroll's website.

One of the most important changes in ESS9 is that time entered for each day has to be saved to each day using the "Save" button.

Even more importantly, after all time is entered and you are ready so submit the time for approval, users must fully submit by first clicking the "Preview" button and then clicking the "Submit" button on the next page.

Any timesheet that is not fully submitted will be left in a status of "in-progress"; timesheets must be fully submitted to a "Pending" status in order for the supervisor to have the ability to approve.

Supervisors, employees typically have until 11 am every other Monday to fully submit their time, and the supervisor 1 pm approval deadline follows after. If, after the 11 a.m. deadline, you notice a timesheet is only in a "in-progress" status, you can click on the employee's name to get into their timesheet, hit "Preview" then "Submit" which will then bring the timesheet to a Pending status for your approval. Before approving at that point, any Pending timesheet may also be edited by clicking the "Details" button if you notice an employee needs to have their time added or reduced, in case the employee added to many or too few hours on any given day of the pay period in question.