The February writing retreat offers faculty a dedicated opportunity to fully immerse themselves in their scholarly work, free from distractions, while fostering a supportive community of colleagues for feedback and encouragement. The retreat is open to assistant, associate, and full professors, as well as tenure-track, clinical-applied, and part-time faculty.
Participants may use this time to advance their scholarship, creative projects, grant applications, or other professional endeavors. Past participants have described the retreat as both productive and enjoyable, highlighting the value of focused time and peer interaction.
Dates: Feb. 7, 14, 21, and 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Each day begins with a light breakfast, followed by three hours of focused writing. A working lunch provides opportunities for networking and collaboration, while the afternoons are reserved for independent writing or peer feedback and collaboration.
Interested? Submit your application by Jan. 21 (the first day of classes). Space is limited!
Questions? Reach out to Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and ResearchJessica Nicklin at