
Robotics Club Published in Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems

August 25, 2023
Submitted By: Office of Marketing Communications

UHart's Assistive Robot Team, was published in Springer Nature's well-known robotics journal, the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT). The team has spent the last year developing a Human Assistive Robot (HART), a full-sized vehicle-driving humanoid platform that when programmed, allows it to drive specialized devices like go-karts.

The research was led by Kiwon Sohn, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, Akin Tatoglu, Assistant Dean of CETA, Mark Markiewicz '18, Sam Wong M'22, and Stefan Keilich '18 M'19. The publication, "Development of the Kinematic Adjustable Humanoid Platform and its Driving Capability" explores the design and interface for human operators.

Watch a video of HART in action here!