Storm Alert

Due to significant snow and ice accumulation, the University of Hartford will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 16. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday.


Part-Time Faculty Professional Development Fund

As you finalize your preparations for the spring semester, we want to remind you about the Part-Time Faculty Professional Development Fund. This fund provides reimbursements of up to $250 to part-time faculty for activities and purchases that will enhance your teaching practice.

To be eligible, you must be a part-time faculty teaching at least one course for the University of Hartford during either the semester of application or during the semester of the activity or purchase.  


Preference will be given to requests that directly impact students. Priority will also be given to faculty who did not already receive an award during the same academic year. Please consider the following about your purchases:

  • How will the activity or purchase enhance the faculty member’s teaching of courses at the University of Hartford? 
  • How long has the faculty member been teaching at the University of Hartford? (Time of service will be taken into consideration, but all part-time faculty may apply, including those in their first term of service.)
  • Did the faculty member already receive an award during the current academic year?

Use link below to submit your application including a detailed description of activity or purchase with an explanation of the ways activity or purchase will enhance your ability to teach courses at the University of Hartford.  Include titles of courses taught at the University of Hartford with semesters and CRN’s. Please note that this fund will not reimburse costs associated with the purchase of personal technology such as desktops, laptops, and associate accessories. For information detailing the University’s policy on computer purchases, please visit the HawkPC Program webpage.

Itemized receipts are required for all expenses and must be submitted for reimbursement by May 31. Requests for Summer Term activities and purchases may be made in the subsequent Fall semester.


Applications are due by Jan. 22, at 5 p.m. You will receive a decision about your application by the end of the month.