
Information Technology Executive Council

ITEC Charge

The Information Technology Executive Council (ITEC) will provide executive level leadership in setting IT direction, establishing priorities, making recommendations, guiding and allocating resources, and assessing effectiveness. ITEC will foster collaborative partnerships across campus in order to ensure IT decisions, initiatives, policies, and resources are aligned with best practices and institutional priorities. It will serve as a direct report to the Officers and consult with other governance bodies as appropriate.

ITEC Scope Of Authority

The Information Technology Executive Council will have full authority to approve initiatives and decisions in all technology-related cases, up to the level that requires presidential, cabinet-level, or board-level authorization.


Charge: The Academic Technology Standing committee will provide overall leadership for the institution's decision -making and use of technology related to teaching and learning, making decisions where these are within its scope of authority, and making recommendations to the IT Executive Council for action. It will collaborate with other standing committees, governance bodies, and campus departments on relevant plans and initiatives. It will develop a charge and set of expectations for each ad hoc committee it establishes.

Scope of Authority: The Academic Technology Advisory Committee will have authority to make decisions if the decision is within the unit’s budget.

Charge: The Administrative Technology Standing Committee will serve as the primary entity for addressing technology plans that are aligned with institutional priorities, related to business and administrative support areas. The Committee will make recommendations to the IT Executive Council for action. The Committee serves as an operational level forum for review and discussion of ongoing technology related matters in collaboration with the Office of Information Technology Services personnel. Members work with ITS to develop tactical and implementation plans for the technology strategic plan. They also serve as primary communication vehicles for technology related matters with their constituencies in the campus community.

Scope of Authority: The Administrative Technology Advisory Committee will have authority to make recommendations on proposals that align with institutional policy.

Charge: The Web/Digital Communications Committee provides the overall organization and oversight for the institution's decision making regarding web and digital communications technologies. It will develop policies and guidelines on standards and best practices related to content measurement consistent with the University branding and strategic plan. It will report to the Information Technology Executive Council and collaborate with other standing advisory committees, governance bodies, and campus departments on relevant plans and initiatives. It will develop a charge and set of expectations for each ad hoc committee it establishes. 

Scope of Authority: Web/Digital Communications Advisory Committee will make recommendations to ITEC, until which time the budget is allocated to the standing committee. 

Charge: The Data Standards and Integrity Committee will provide leadership in the review, evaluation and interpretation of all issues related to Data Standards and Subcommittee within institutional information systems and will recommend to the IT Executive Council policy and procedures regarding the standardized formatting of data elements across all systems.

Scope Of Authority: The Data Standards and Integrity Committee will have authority to make decisions if all of the following circumstances apply: the decision is aligned with institutional policy, the decision has the support of the areas/stakeholders who are involved in or affected by the decision, the decision is within funding of current budgets or, the decision does not have the potential to generate regulatory or compliance impacts and/or institutional risk. If a decision does not meet all of these criteria it would have to be presented to the IT Executive Council.