
Student and Faculty Resources

Below you will find important UHart policies, test taking procedures, and helpful links for students seeking accessibility support services.

Policy and Resources

Students must meet with an Access-Ability Services staff member at the start of each semester to request Accommodation Letters be submitted to professors, as accommodations do not automatically roll-over each semester.

This official document identifies the student as having approved accommodations and/or services based upon the disability. Only the approved academic accommodations listed on the Accommodation Letter will be granted to the student.

Students are encouraged to meet individually with each instructor at the beginning of the semester to request specific accommodations outlined in their Accommodation Letter. Reasonable classroom accommodations are intended to give qualified students with disabilities equal or equivalent access to educational programs and may be subject to negotiation.

  • The student maintains the right to access or to waive accommodations on a course-by-course or on a task-by-task basis.
  • Students who choose not to disclose their accommodations to a professor and then change their minds as the semester progresses must allow reasonable time for accommodations to begin. There will be no retroactive consideration or adjustment to grades.
  • Students who choose NOT to submit their Accommodation Letter to professors forfeit all academic accommodations, including test accommodations.
  • Students who wish to use the accommodation of Advanced Registration must request their Accommodation Letters at the start of the semester. Failure to do so may result in the inability to receive Advanced Registration for that semester.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to inform Access-Ability Services if they have any issues or concerns with their accommodations, in a timely manner.
  • All students, regardless of the presence of a disability, are required to meet the same academic, comportment, and clinical standards.

Accommodation Letters Video

Some professors are able and willing to provide test/exam accommodations in the classroom setting for qualified students. Students should make individual arrangements with each professor no less than one week prior to each test/exam.  Students may choose not to use testing accommodations on a case-by-case or course-by-course basis.

Students are required to take tests/exams at the same time/date as their class. Occasionally, a scheduling conflict arises, and, if necessary, legitimate exceptions to the standard policy may be made.

The student must:

  • Make a "reservation" to take a test at Access-Ability Services one week prior to the scheduled test/exam date and complete an Exam Administration Form.
  • Access-Ability Services then emails the form to the professor.
  • Arrive on time to take the test.
  • Follow the tenets of academic honesty.
  • Leave personal belongings including jacket, book bag, pocket book, cell phone, beeper, personal listening device, textbooks and notebooks in the reception area.
  • Take the test in the assigned space.
  • Submit any scrap paper, calculations, or notes with the completed test/exam.
  • If a student requires the use of the lavatory, a notation will be written on the exam.
  • Students may leave as soon as the test is completed unless the "standard" test has not yet been administered. Once the student leaves the test site, the student forfeits access to the test.

The professor must:

  • Submit the completed Exam Administration Form with the test/exam and all related materials to Access-Ability Services at least 24 hours in advance of the schedule test time.
  • Provide Access-Ability Services with a phone number in the event that a problem or question arises during the test.
  • Retrieve the completed test/exam from Access-Ability Services the following day.

Testing Accommodations Video

Final Exams Video

Information about Final Exams with Accommodations:

Differences in Educational Settings

Area of Focus K-12 Postsecondary
Legal Foundation - Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA): Education Based
- Automatic Access to Education
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: Civil Rights Based
- Nondiscrimination Re: Access
Responsibility for Identification & Disclosure - Parent & School
- Advocacy by Others
- Individual who has Disability
- Self-Advocacy
Provision of Services - Responsibility of the School
- Extensive Educational Services
- Accommodations Required: Mandated Comprehensive Programs
- Responsibility of the Individual
- Educational Services Vary
- 3 Levels: Minimal, Moderate, Comprehensive
Accommodations - Adjusted / Modified Curriculum
- Required Courses Changed / Eliminated
- Same Curriculum as Non-disabled Students
- Required Courses are REQUIRED
- NO WAIVERS for Essential Requirements
- Some Substitutions Possible