University Studies

University Interdisciplinary Studies

At a Glance

University Interdisciplinary Studies (UIS) is the University’s interdisciplinary general education program. UIS courses educate students with fundamental areas of knowledge that challenge students to go beyond their chosen specializations.



The University Interdisciplinary Studies general education courses are designed to provide shared learning experiences for students in baccalaureate programs at the University of Hartford through a core of common studies. Since faculty from all schools and colleges of the University teach these courses, the curriculum takes full advantage of the diverse resources of the institution. In addition to providing students breadth of knowledge in their liberal education, the UIS makes clear the relationships among disciplinary areas of knowledge through integrative, cross-disciplinary courses.

Courses and Requirements

All students in baccalaureate programs are required to take at least four University Interdisciplinary Studies courses, from each of the four breadth categories (for a minimum of 12 UIS credits) over their four years as part of graduation requirements. Each student must take at least one Diversity (D) designated UIS course, which addresses complex issues of race, ethnicity, gender bias, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, disability, religion, human rights, freedom, empowerment, or the continuing struggles around the world for social equality.  Students may take an additional UIS course as an elective.

Breadth Categories

See complete course descriptions in our Undergraduate Catalog.

Artistic and Creative Expression (UISA)

Courses in this category engage the imagination, foster flexible ways of thinking, and provide distinctive ways of understanding human beings and nature. Knowledge of architecture, art, dance, drama, literature, and music opens channels of communication and leads to a realization of the complexities and interrelationships of human society. These courses examine how individuals and cultures express themselves and provide opportunities for students to actively engage in the creative process.

See course schedule and descriptions. 

Cultural and Historical Interpretation (UISC)

Courses in this category seek to develop knowledge of global culture and history, providing access to a diversity of cultures and to the traditions, values, and practices that inform those cultures. We live in a blend of constantly changing societies and need to understand both how such societies function and how they were developed. These courses allow students to appreciate the richness, complexity, and importance of other ways of living. In order to participate effectively as citizens, students need to understand past events and their links to present ones.

See UISC course schedule and descriptions.

Social Context and Change (UISS)

Courses in this category are designed to provide students with an understanding of themselves and how they relate formally and informally with others in groups, institutions, and political and economic contexts. Courses emphasize human needs and behaviors; group relationships and processes; the evolution and nature of value systems; and techniques for accumulating, widening, and transmitting experience and knowledge to succeeding generations. These courses examine how groups of individuals interact, the impact of society on the individual, and encourage students to explore the processes and practices by which change occurs in social units.

See UISS course schedule and descriptions.

Natural, Scientific, and Technological Exploration (UIST)

Courses in this category seek to develop a greater awareness of science and technology and their human, social, and political implications. These courses encourage an understanding and application of scientific methods. Students learn to differentiate between science and technology, understand the limitations that are inherent in scientific inquiry, and evaluate the risks and benefits of technological advances. These courses examine how people interact with and understand the natural world and the tools they use to do so.

See UIST course schedule and description.

Special Topics

Below are Special Topics offerings for Fall 2024 


UISC190: Video Games & Cultural Dynamics [3]

In this dynamic and thought-provoking course, students will delve into the world of video games, not just as a form of entertainment, but as a powerful lens through which contemporary society and culture can be understood. In this course, students will explore how video games have become an integral part of our cultural landscape, influencing aspects of everyday life from identity formation to community building and societal discourse. The emergence of video games as a cultural force will be examined, as well as the role in which video games shape modern participatory culture and consumption patterns, and the impact of video games on identity and societal transformations. This course is designed for undergraduate students interested in video games, sociology, media, and cultural studies.


UISSD190: Creating Equality in the Workforce [3]

Students will examine historic and present systemic racism, sexism, and other “isms” in order to understand both the challenges and opportunities presented by inequality and discrimination in the business world. Students will also learn how to participate in and lead safe discussions on diversity topics, create suggestions for organizational improvement, and acquire the expertise and tools to become change agents.

Our Team

Margaret R. Tarampi
Director of University Interdisciplinary Studies; Associate Professor

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Tatum Krause
Instructor, Associate Director
University Interdisciplinary Studies

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Judy Wyman
Associate Director, Faculty Liaison and Curriculum Content, Instructor
University Interdisciplinary Studies

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Sally Henowitz
Academic Program Administrator
Summer & Winter Programs
University Interdisciplinary Studies

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Request Forms

Course Override Request Form 

This form is used to request permission for an override into a UIS category course (ex. UISA, UISC, UIST and UISS). Each form submission is for a one-course request.

Study Abroad Course Approval Form 

Courses taken through a University of Hartford-administered study abroad program may be used to count toward your UIS course requirements. All courses must be pre-approved to count for UIS course credit.