
UHart Legacy Families

What is a Legacy?

Legacies are graduates who have had a relative who also graduated from the University. The relative can be a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, cousin, or the like. Legacies hold a special piece in University history—they make the University of Hartford a family tradition!

How are Legacy Connections Celebrated?

  • Hawktober Weekend Legacy Event:
    Each fall we recognize and celebrate with our current students and their alum family member at a special legacy family event during Hawktober Reunion and Family Weekend.
  • Commencement Medals:
    Graduates who are members of a Legacy family are provided with a special medal to wear at Commencement.

We love seeing photos of legacy families! At your next gathering, take a photo with your UHart gear on and send us a picture or tag us @UHartAlumni when posting on social media!


If you have any questions or would like more information, please email the Alumni Engagement team or call 860.768.2400.