
Electronic W-2 Consent and Payroll Address Update

January 14, 2020
Submitted By: David Boot

You may receive your Form W-2 electronically by electing Electronic W-2 Consent. To do this, please log on to the self-service site, click on the Employee tab, click on Tax Forms, then click on Electronic W-2 Consent. Please read and follow the instructions as listed on the page.

If you have not set up electronic consent for your Form W-2 electronically, your paper W-2 will be mailed to your Payroll Address on file by January 31st. If you need to make changes to your Payroll Address on file, please contact your Human Resources Representative.

An announcement will be made on UNotes when the 2019 W-2s are available on Self Service for those that have consented to Electronic Consent.

After the notification in UNotes that the W2s are ready, you will go into self service, the Employee tab, click on Tax Forms, click on W-2 Year End Earnings Statement. Select the tax year from the menu and click Display.  When printing the form, you will select “Printable W-2”, at the bottom of your W2.  You will be asked to enter your PIN, (same as your password for self-service), then click on Submit.  A printable version will return now showing your full Social Security number, to attach to your tax return(s). If you do not use “Printable W-2” when printing, your social security number will not be fully visible on the W2.

Thank You,

The Payroll Department