
Access-Ability Services is Scheduling Final Exams

October 29, 2021
Submitted By: Patricia O'Donovan

Access-Ability Services

 Is Scheduling Final Exams


The Access-Ability Services office for students with disabilities is now making test reservations for in-person final exams for the Fall 21 semester for students with current testing accommodations.  For online take-home exams, students should contact their professors directly at least a week before the exam.

All students who would like to schedule final exams with Access-Ability Services, please call 860-768-4312 to schedule your exams or stop by our office located in Auerbach Hall Room 209. Exam reservations cannot be scheduled by email.

Students that have testing accommodations are reminded that in order to access accommodations for Finals, they must have had an Accommodation Letter for Fall Semester 2021 sent to their Professors. 

Access-Ability Services strictly adheres to the Provost’s published schedule for final exams and will not move exams for work schedules or travel plans.

Students must schedule final exams by Dec. 1, 2021. in order to take them in Access-Ability Services

If you have any questions, please call our office at 860-768-4312.