
Introducing Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

January 24, 2022
Submitted By: FCLD

In December, Blackboard’s new modern interface Ultra was introduced. The My Blackboard has been replaced with a new interface called Ultra Base Navigation (UBN). By default, courses are unchanged and can be accessed by clicking on the Courses button in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. 

More details about UBN may be seen in these videos created by Blackboard Base Navigation, Instructor Overview | Blackboard or Base Navigation, Student Overview | Blackboard 

Here are some additional helpful tips for using UBN:

  1. Use Chrome as a browser.
  2. To have current courses appear at the top of your courses list, log in and from the landing page, click on Courses. Click on the star next to courses you wish to have appear at the top of the list.
  3. Instructors can limit the number of email notifications from Blackboard by changing Notification Settings found by clicking on the menu button with the instructor’s name on the new landing page and looking under Global Notification Settings.
    • Do not use any bookmarks in the Chrome browser. Delete any old bookmarks and then manually type  in the browser address bar. (Be sure to remove any extra text that might appear at the end of the Blackboard URL address.
    • Clear browser cache: Instructors who are still seeing the old My Blackboard page when they log in should do the following.
    • From the Google Control Settings in Chrome (three dots in upper right), select History, then History again.
    • Click on Clear browsing data.
    • From both the Basic tab and Advanced tab, first set the Time range to “All time” and then check all boxes EXCEPT: passwords and autofill data.
    • Click Clear data, close Chrome and restart the browser.
    • If the steps above don’t work, close Chrome and all browsers.  Go to the Cortana search bar and type in Disk Cleanup. Select Drive C, check all the boxes and OK.  Let it run, then try Chrome again.
  4. Instructors ‘stuck’ on announcements page or unable to see a course menu may have a collapsed menu. This video contains instructions for getting the menu to reappear.

Instructors with questions about Blackboard Ultra or who would like assistance using Blackboard are encouraged to contact the Faculty Center for Learning Development (FCLD) at (860) 768-4661 or