
CTEI Announces Spring Learn at Lunch Series

February 17, 2022
Submitted By: Lydia Chiappetti
On Friday, March 11 from 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.

Creating varied, flexible, and inclusive assignments and assessments.

Facilitator: Karla Loya, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership 

In this session, we will learn about specific ways of creating varied, flexible, and inclusive assignments that accommodate and embrace learners’ skills, strengths, and needs. We will also discuss how to connect our assignments to equally responsive assessments and become more self-reflective instructors.

Learn more about Karla:

Karla I. Loya is assistant professor in the educational leadership doctoral program. Her research investigates the processes, experiences, and decisions that lead to more inclusive higher education settings, interweaving three areas: (1) inclusive college teaching and learning; (2) faculty and student experiences and success; and (3) socially-just research methods and assessment. In short, her work seeks to foster more inclusive environments where everyone can succeed.  

Register for Creating varied, flexible, and inclusive assignments and assessments. 

ON Friday, April 22 From 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.

Funds of Knowledge: A Source of Strength

Facilitator: Kayon Morgan, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership

In this session, we will learn about ways to bracket our role as expert and take on the role of learner to understand the rich cultural, social, and cognitive backgrounds of students as sources of strength in the institution.

Read more about Kayon below:

K. Kayon Morgan is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Leadership Doctoral Program. As a scholar-practitioner, her research focuses on the engagement of families from preschool to graduate studies (P-20); organizational systems, policies, and procedures that exclude populations that are historically untapped, and paradigms, and methodologies that prevent these communities from embracing their authentic selves, which is essential to their well-being.

Register for Funds of Knowledge: A Source of Strength.