
Exciting Benefit Enhancement

July 25, 2022
Submitted By: Jen Conley

At the conclusion of the most recent Benefits Task Force cycle, the committee was asked to review the current Study Abroad Program for dependents of University of Hartford employees. Several discussions and discovery meetings were held, and it was determined that the current benefit limited the destinations that dependents of University of Hartford employees could access. 

After a cost analysis was conducted and analyzed, the Benefits Task Force recommended the current program be expanded to include all Study Abroad locations with some parameters implemented, which will be re-evaluated during the next Benefits Task Force cycle. President Woodward has fully endorsed this recommendation.  

Effective immediately, dependents of University of Hartford employees may now access the full suite of Study Abroad destinations, in compliance with the following parameters:

  1. There are 10 available openings per academic year for dependents of University employees. This is inclusive of both the fall and spring semesters.
  2. If more than 10 dependents apply for the program, years of service of the employee will be the determining factor for acceptance in the program.
  3. Employee’s dependents interested in applying for Study Abroad must submit application materials by the following deadlines:
    1. For a Fall Semester – application materials due by Feb. 15
    2. For a Spring Semester – application materials due by Sept. 15

Questions and application materials should be submitted to the Director of the International Center, Nicole Kurker-Stewart, at