
CTEI-Sponsored Faculty Learning Communities

September 19, 2022
Submitted By: Lydia Chiappetti

Faculty Writing Community

The Faculty Writing Community will enhance scholarly productivity by helping faculty carve out a block of time for projects that would otherwise have been sidelined by other commitments. This community meets in person in the CTEI space, Creative Technology Center, in the lower level of the Harrison Libraries and will provide accountability, social support, and feedback. Participants bring their laptop and/or whatever else they need to work. CTEI provides refreshments but otherwise leaves faculty alone to write. Open to all faculty from 9:30 a.m.–noon. FWC leader Margaret Tarampi

Dates:  Wednesday, Sept. 21; Friday, Oct. 14;  Friday, Nov. 4; Wednesday, Nov. 9

RSVP using the link below.