

Show your appreciation for the Presidents’ College!

Your past support has meant so much, because a gift of any amount means we can continue to:

  • Bring you instruction by outstanding University faculty and distinguished community experts;
  • Offer seminars on intriguing niche questions and lectures on larger ones;
  • Keep our courses affordable for all lifelong learners.


A gift of $100 or more earns you the distinction of being a Presidents’ College Fellow. Benefits for Fellows include:

  • Parking in any on-campus lot throughout that academic year;
  • Full borrowing privileges at Harrison Libraries;
  • Invitations to Fellows-Only programs and events.

Be all in. Be engaged. Shape our community.

I love learning from expert professors teaching great course content. And there’s a big bonus: I signed on for lifelong learning, but I’ve also made lifelong friends! That’s why I want to support the Presidents’ College.

Jane Lennox, Steering Committee Member