UHart’s Chemistry Department offers major programs designed to give you a thorough foundation in all areas of chemistry, and is a great place to study if you are planning for a career in chemistry, biochemistry, the medical profession, environmental law, forensics, food science, chemical physics, or any other related discipline.
We offer three undergraduate chemistry programs:
If you have a special interest in chemistry, but intend to pursue a career in a related fields as medicine, dentistry, education, business, or law, you will want to consider our Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry.
With its heavy concentration in science and mathematics, our Bachelor of Science in Chemistry prepares you for positions in the chemical industry or for graduate study in specialized areas of chemistry.
We also offer a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry if you are planning for a career in biochemistry or one of the health professions such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or graduate work in biochemistry or biology.
We offer a minor in Chemistry that can be paired with another major to help give you an edge when seeking employment.
Our class sizes are small, so you learn in a collaborative environment and get to know your professors who also offer weekly review sessions.
Starting as early as your first year, you can participate in active research with faculty members. Some students are given the opportunity to co-author publications with faculty in top peer-reviewed national research journals, and then present their research findings at regional and national conferences.
Our Chemistry Tutor Lab, located in the Biology/Chemistry Building room 254, is staffed by both upper-class students and faculty. It’s a great way to enhance your coursework and met other chemistry students and faculty. The schedule is posted outside of the lab.
Some of the positions held by our chemistry alumni include: senior quality control analyst for ImmunoGen Inc., analytical chemist at AccuStandard, senior quality engineer for Medtronic, laboratory technician at HydroTechnologies,synthetic inorganic chemist for Dow Chemical, critical care fellow (MD) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
Our Facilities

You take part in problem-solving activities in the classroom and solve real-world problems with your professors in our newly expanded chemistry labs. Our curriculum is enhanced by technology so you are always using the most up-to-date research, methodology, and equipment such as:
Meet the Chemistry Department