The Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies Events
The Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies offers a rich series of programming each semester. We hope you were able to join our event series this fall held in collaboration with the UConn Center for Judaic Studies. To maintain the health and safety of our valued community, all courses and lectures were offered online through the video conferencing platform Zoom.
Watch Spring 2023 Event Recording
Watch a recording of the Jan. 31, 2023, presentation by Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies Ayelet Brinn, Advice Columns and the Making of the American Yiddish Press. The talk highlighted how these columns shaped the relationships between newspapers and their readers and how central advice columns became to the acclimation process of new immigrants anxious to learn more about American life.
Watch 2021-22 Event Recordings
The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive, by Lucy Adlington
X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II, an interview with author Leah Garrett.
The Jew Who Invented the World Series, and Other Ethnic Tales of the 1903 World Series, a talk given by University of Hartford President Emeritus Walter Harrison. Learn about Barney Dreyfuss, a German-born Jew who emigrated to the United States in the late 19th century, became the owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1900.
Referendum on the Deli Menu: American Jewish Religion and the Deli Revival. In recent years, there has been a nostalgic resurgence of interest in the Jewish deli menu. As Professor Rachel B. Gross explores in her new book, Beyond the Synagogue: Jewish Nostalgia as Religious Practice, restaurateurs and purveyors of Jewish food are deliberately making American Jewish food fit for the 21st century, emphasizing sustainability, local produce, and a nostalgic longing for family and communal histories.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: Out of Tragedy Comes Social Justice. Pamela S. Nadell's scholarship focuses on American Jewish history, especially the history of American Jewish women. Nadell discusses the fire and its aftermath in her award-winning recent book, America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today, recipient of the 2019 National Jewish Book Award “Jewish Book of the Year.”
Watch 2020 Event Recordings
Watch Part 1 of Anti-Semitism: Past, Present, and Future, A three-part series co-sponsored by the UConn Center for Judaic Studies, the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies, ALEPH: The Institute of Jewish Ideas, and the Jewish Graduate Study Program. Prof. Deena Grant of the Hartford Seminary presented on, "Responding to an Anti-Semitic Claim about God’s Wrath."
Watch the Sept. 14 program, Yiddish Glory: The Lost Songs of World War II, by Anna Shternshis and Psoy Korolenko, presented by the Greenberg Center and the UConn Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life. It tells the remarkable story of folklorists in the Soviet Union who risked their lives collecting songs from Jewish Red Army soldiers, Jewish refugees, victims and survivors of Ukrainian ghettos, as told by a band of virtuoso musicians.
Watch the recording of a WebEx presentation on What Makes a Great Jewish Leader? by Derek Penslar, the William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History at Harvard University. The Sept. 10 event was made possible through the Rose and Arthur Fallmann Fund.