Storm Advisory

Sunday, Feb. 16
At this time, based on current forecast projections, the University is scheduled to open Sunday at 10 a.m. An update will be posted early Sunday morning by 6 a.m.


Emeriti Association

The Emeriti Association of the University of Hartford is composed of retired faculty who have been granted emeritus status by the Board of Regents and administrators who have been granted membership by the Emeriti Association.

Emeriti Association members have a relationship that spans over 50 years with UHart. Along with the memory they carry comes a commitment by our members to strive to keep the University financially healthy, interesting, knowledgeable, able to handle the intricacies of a challenging world, and dedication to the well-being of our students and the contexts in which we live. While many students will pass through their time here without a glance backward, others will treasure their association with us for a lifetime, assured that some of us are still here, upholding the standards of the University and its continuity. We had a fruitful relationship with many of our students: we remember them and they often remember us. We are a resource that can be available for student recruitment, contact with alumni, and development of community constituents.

Each year, we provide scholarships for eligible UHart undergraduate students and encourage students to apply.

Latest News

On our next plenary meeting on May 20, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the 1877 Club,  Kathrine (Kat) Owens, Chair, Department of Politics, Economics, and International Studies; Director, Rell Center for Public Service; Professor Politics, Economics, and International Studies Associate Professor of Psychology, will be our main speaker.

Kat Owens

Please visit Emeriti News to see the 2024 Emeriti Matters Newsletter

Please visit Plenary Meetings to see notes from our May 14, 2024 plenary meeting

Please support the Emeriti Scholarship Fund

One of the most rewarding undertakings as an Association since our founding is our Emeriti Scholarship Program. Our student awardees are both dedicated scholars and contributors to the University community and beyond.