Storm Alert

Due to significant snow and ice accumulation, the University of Hartford will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 16. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday.


Plenary Meetings

Emeriti Association Plenary Meetings

The Emeriti Association meets Spring and Fall each year in the 1877 Club. The agenda includes lunch, a business meeting, and a presentation by university faculty, staff, and students. In the Fall, we award scholarships to three current students (see Scholarships for details).

Plenary Meeting October 22, 2024

Associate Professor of Psychology, Matthew Costello presented "How the Aging Body Affects the Aging Mind". 

Matthew Costello headshot

Video of Matthew Costello's presentation


Nancy Stuart, Presidents' College

Presidents' College

Nancy Stuart Acting Director, Presidents’ College; Dean Emerita, Hartford Art School, talked about upcoming Presidents' College sessions and how Emeriti members can participate.

2024 Emeriti Scholars

Harry Workman introduced Hilary Bareiss, Grace Farland, and Joseph Lothamer, the 2024 Emeriti Scholars

Link to presentations made by the 2024 Emeriti Scholars

Provost Katherine Black

Katherine Black, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, spoke about current UHart activities.

Plenary Meeting May 14, 2024

The Emeriti Association Spring Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in the 1877 Club. There were 28 members and guests attending in person. Guests included Stephen Mulready, Katharine Black, and Sebby Sorrentino.

Chair Donn Weinholtz welcomed all and introduced ENTWYNED, a musical group who presented Wires, Wind, and Wood: An Exploration of Ancient Irish and Celtic Music. The group is organized by Professor Emerita of Music Education, Demaris Hansen and includes Dee Hansen, Eric Hansen and Neal Humphreys. The group highlighted ancient Irish tunes and historic research from the Edward Bunting Collections first published in 1796. The instruments used in the program were: Celtic harp, lutes, mandolin, Baroque flutes and Viola da Gamba. A video of this presentation can be viewed here.

Donn thanked ENTWYNED for this most interesting presentation and invited all to enjoy the reception and connect with the performers during the reception which was followed by lunch.

Following the reception, Donn commenced the meeting and welcomed the new emeriti faculty in attendance: Nancy Stuart, Hartford Art School (Dean Emeritus); Bharat Kolluri, Barney; and Celia Lofink, Barney; and listed those who were not in attendance: Hiro Fukawa, Hartford Art School; John Willis, Hartford Art School; James Bannister, Barney; Susan Eichar, ENHP; Doris Lang Kosloff, Hartt; Glen Adsit, Hartford Art School and Hartt (posthumously).

We then observed a moment of silence in memory of faculty who passed since the October Plenary: Glen Adsit, Hartford Art School and Hartt; Paul Bugl, A&S; Barbara Intriligator, ENHP; Richard Lugli, Hillyer; and Humbert Lucarelli, Hartt (failed to be mentioned last October plenary).

Ralph Zegarelli shared information about the revised information that will be on the Emeriti website. The details will be in the newsletter and on the website. Patrick Miller, Ann Padano and Ralph worked with Katharine Black, Sebby Sorrentino and Molly Polk concerning the Directory which will now include emeriti.

Harry Workman and Ralph Zegarelli worked with Katherine those who wish to maintain their UH email addresses to be able to do so. This is a good benefit for all of us. Another benefit available to emeriti is Microsoft 365.

Presidents’ College: Michele Troy reviewed the role of the President’s College. She shared information about the new website.

The Presidents’ College would like to get people back to campus. Maybe you would like to be a 2x a semester presenter. The format is rich. A variety of programs are available: Conversations; Silent books; Celtic music. Wide array of topics ranging from a few sessions to longer courses. Ann Padano related her very positive experience with Presidents’ College this year. Forecast for Fall 2024 information will be in the upcoming Emeriti Newsletter. Michelle Troy will be on sabbatical next year. The Art School Dean Emeritus Nancy Stuart will be stepping in to fill the role while Michele is away. The Scholarship Program: Harry Workman reported on the scholarship program. Three recipients at $3500 per student. The recipients will join us for the Fall 2024 Plenary. There were 22 applicants and they were overwhelmingly qualified.

Here are the names and scholarships being awarded:Joseph Lothamer (ENHP), Harrison Emeriti Scholarship, Grace Farland (ENHP), Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship, Hilary Bareiss (Hartford Art School), Emeriti Scholarship. Harry encouraged people to give to the scholarship fund.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Dowst reviewed the report briefly – (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting). We are doing pretty well on scholarship money. Emeriti are not paying their dues, we need to remind people to pay

New Business

  • Emeriti dues are being raised from $17 - $25 per year
  • John Mehm was proposed as a new emeriti association member. He served as the Director of the PSY.D. program under an administrative contract. Ann Padano shared that he was distinguished in service and all other areas for UH. All voted in favor of John coming into the group.

Acting President Mulready shared his UH history and activities engaged in during his time as acting president. He commented on the state of higher ed, how he feels he did what needed to be done, how he supported families working through the financial aid technical difficulties this year (including zoom calls and videos, etc.). He noted that the birthrate is down 20% from 2007. UH will keep the same number of schools but will share leadership – Hartt and Art; Hillyer and A&S.

Donn adjourned the meeting at 1:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Regina Miller, Recording Secretary for the day

Entwyned Video May 14, 2024

Presentation and video of music performed by Entwyned whose members include Eric Hansen, Dee Hansen, and Neal Humphrey. See link to video below.

Plenary Meeting October 24, 2023

The Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 23, 2023, in the 1877 Club. There were 35 members and guests attending in person. Guests included Stephen Mulready, Katharine Black, Michael Daglio, Rick Zeiser

Elections of Officers: The following slate was proposed: Donn Weinholtz, chair; Dee Hansen, vice chair; Steve Gryc – recording secretary. Sharon Pope moved and Catherine Certo seconded. Slate was approved.

In Memoriam—Remembering deceased colleagues since the May 2023 plenary meeting— Ralph asked for a moment of silence for colleagues who have passed away since the May 2023 plenary - Robert Black-The Hartt School, Dick Dalphin - CETA, Donald Leone - CETA, Frank Lahey - CETA, Michael Panik - The Barney School, Leo Smith - CETA, Donald Sukosky - Hillyer, Dennis Nolan - Art School. A moment of silence followed in their memory. May they rest in peace.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Dowst – Mary reviewed the report briefly – (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting). She commented that many emeriti are not paying dues and that having more people pay dues would really help. 33% of people pay their dues. She thanked all for their contributions to the Scholarship Fund and encouraged all to continue donating. Ralph thanked Mary for her report.

New Business: Rick Zeiser was asked to leave the room. As a retired staff member, he was nominated to be a member of the Emeriti Association. The group voted to approve Rick as a new member of the association. He returned to the room and was congratulated.

Dues for the coming year will be raised to $20.00. Lunch will go up to $30.00. 

Harry and Ralph negotiated to have new emeriti retain their UH email address.  As part of the agreement current emeriti that are not using the UH email address will be asked if they are willing to close their UH email account.  Emeriti will be contacted to ask if they use the UH email address.

Ralph adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Regina Miller, Recording Secretary


Fred Striefler Presentation on Comets

Comets/Asteroids: Harbingers of Doom or Givers of Life

Co-chair Zegarelli welcomed all and introduced our guest speaker, Fred Striefler, physics and computer science professor with a long history at The University of Hartford. Fred presented Comets/Asteroids: Harbingers of Doom or Givers of Life. This presentation shared historical and current information about the topic using interesting slides of art as well as scientific information and provided examples from various periods of time and different areas that indicate the range of thought about comets. A video of Fred’s presentation is available ... see link below.

Link to YouTube video of Fred's presentation

President’s College: Michelle Troy

President’s College: Michelle Troy

President’s College: Michelle Troy shared what is happening in the President’s College. Lots of new and exciting courses and opportunities for emeriti to get involved in.

Nicole Paquette - Walter Harrison 2023 Scholar

Nicole Paquette - Walter Harrison 2023 Scholar

Nicole Paquette, Hartt, with a major in Flute Performance, Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholarship; Emily Rutledge, A&S, Mathematics Secondary Education, Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship; Anna Leonard, A&S, Psychology has been awarded the Emeriti Scholarship. Nicole Paquette – Harrison Scholarship awardee is a junior flute major in Hartt. She is a performance management minor. She has developed a practice guide for freshman to help them to get started in their major. She is a member of several ensembles and, a mentor to a freshman flute studio. She provides peer support for a campus wellness class. Outside UH she has engaged in many activities including working with non-verbal children in a summer program.

Emily Rutledge - Humphrey Tonkin 2023 Scholar

Emily Rutledge - Humphrey Tonkin 2023 Scholar

Emily Rutledge is a Secondary Math Education major and accounting minor who has been awarded the Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship. She belongs to many honor societies. She participates in BEST Buddies, HEAT (Hartford Events and Activities Team), and Taylor Swift fans on campus. She does tutoring and is a box office usher. Off-campus she does tutoring, is a classroom volunteer, and plans to be student teaching in spring 2024. Her aspirations are to be a math secondary teacher and, in the future, to obtain a master's in accounting, taxation, ed leadership, or math education.

Anna Leonard - 2023 Emeriti Scholar

Anna Leonard - 2023 Emeriti Scholar

Anna Leonard is a Psychology major who has been awarded the Emeriti Scholarship. Her minor is gender and sexuality studies. She is an honor student. She presented as a sophomore with Mala Matacin on research that was done in her freshman year. She is involved with social activism focusing on gender equity and sexual assault awareness on campus. She had 2 study abroad experiences. She is a Human Resources Development office assistant. She is looking forward to grad school in clinical psychology and to a doctorate in the area at some point.

Stephen Mulready - Acting President

Stephen Mulready - Acting President

Acting President Mulready shared a state of higher education in general and at UH. Colleges are dealing with the 2007/2008 lower birthrate noting that in 2 years the demographic could change. In the business industry people are being retooled – degrees are not as important now. He shared some bright spots: Highest first-year enrollment since 2017; Housing up 250. What is doing this – new programs, Hussey Center is a real showcase, 2024 deficit 50% lower than in 2023, consolidation of positions, shared leadership, 41 positions cut – only 15 lost their jobs and 1 was hired back in a different position.

Michael Daglio - Regent and Chair of the Presidential Steering Committee

Michael Daglio - Regent and Chair of the Presidential Steering Committee

Presidential Search Committee Chair Michael Daglio shared information about the extensive process in place related to the search: There is a strong search committee with representation from across UHart. Sessions were held in the summer and now in the fall semester. Timeline for the Search: will have a decision by March. The new President will be on board in July. There has been lots of listening to build the profile for this new president: Visibility – not a figurehead; looking to not pit one school against another; culture – what UH means to them; need to get morale back; compensation; do we want higher ed person or business person?; fundraising; person needs to engage with Hartford people; connections to business and organization – have to find ways of raising revenue; transparency – feedback – stakeholders need to know about and be part of the process of change. Michael responded to questions from the attendees.

Plenary Meeting, May 16, 2023

Bob Leve (link to video see below)

Bob Leve

Bob Leve presented "The Complexity of Human Thought" from his recent book of the same name. A YouTube video of his presentation is accessible by the link below.

Link to a YouTube video of Bob's presentation.

The meeting was well attanded
Funding Scholarships

Funding Scholarships

Alex DeVivo, Director of Planned Giving from Institutional Advancement, provided an overview of endowed scholarships including options for Emeriti members. See her presentation below.

Alex's presentation

Jim Shattuck on student retention

Jim Shattuck on student retention

Link to Jim's presentation

Notes from May 16, 2023 meeting

The Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, in the 1877 Club. There were 38 members and guests attending in person. Guests included Jim Shattuck, Jane Horvath, Bob Leve, Alex DeVivo, Katherine Black, and Jamie Skowyra.

Co-Chair Workman welcomed all and co-chair Zegarelli introduced our guest speaker, Bob Leve, psychology professor with a 50-year history at The University of Hartford. Bob has written 4 books, the most current about the complexity of human thought. He is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst: 2001-present (this certification requires extensive qualifications and then passing a four-hour examination. He was the second psychologist in Connecticut to achieve this status.). Bob is involved with The Van Roy Center at UH.

Bob spoke about complexity and pointed out that there must be diversity before things can become complex. He shared history relating to the topic and provided examples of periods of time and different areas that present a richness of thought about complexity. A video of Bob’s presentation will be available on our website (see link below Bob's picture above).

Harry Workman thanked Bob for his most interesting presentation and invited all to enjoy the reception and connect with Bob during the reception.

Following the reception, Harry commenced the meeting:

In Memoriam – Remembering deceased colleagues since the October 2022 plenary meeting – Harry asked for a moment of silence for colleagues who have passed away since the October 2022 - BZ Friedlander, A&S, died February 22, 2023; Wick Griswold, Hillyer College, died January 21, 2023; Gerald Mack, The Hartt School, died in August 2022.

A moment of silence followed in their memory. May they rest in peace.

New Emeriti - Harry shared the names of the new emeriti faculty: Diego Benardete, A&S; Robert Carl, The Hartt School; David Goldenberg, Hillyer College; Jerry Katrichis, Barney School of Business; Lynne Kelly, A&S; Leonard Milling, A&S; Michael Nowak, CETA; Devdas Shetty, CETA; Kenneth Steen, The Hartt School; Fred Sweitzer ENHP; and Lee Townsend, CETA.

Scholarship Committee: Harry Workman – Harry reviewed the procedure for selecting the scholarship recipients. There were many applicants this year. Harry thanked the members of the Scholarship Committee for their service and dedication. Members of the Scholarship Committee are: Harry (Chair), Dee Hansen, Steven Gryc, Sharon Pope, Sherry Buckborough, Leo Smith, Barbara Wolfe, and Ralph Zegarelli.

Harry then announced the scholarship recipients: Nicole Pacquette, Hartt, with a major in Flute Performance, Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholarship; Emily Rutledge, A&S, Mathematics Secondary Education, Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship; Anna Leonard, A&S, Psychology  has been awarded the Emeriti Scholarship. These awardees will join us for the Fall 2023 Plenary.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Dowst – Mary reviewed the report briefly – (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting). She commented that the interest on the scholarships is $862 for the first quarter and that the report shows pretty much good news. She thanked all for their contributions to the Scholarship Fund and encouraged all to continue donating. Harry thanked Mary for her report.

Old Business – The Donors Reception was held again in April at the home Of Regina Miller.  This was the first reception held since the onset of COVID precautions.  Two of the three 2022 recipients attended and were delightful company. These students are very accomplished. All appeared to enjoy themselves.  Ralph spoke about the Emeriti Newsletter which has been published every Fall for 7 years. The newsletter was initiated by Mike Kahn who will be honored in one of the articles in the upcoming edition. The lead article will feature Amy Barzach, Executive Director, The Women's Advancement Initiative, University of Hartford.

As space allows there is a lot more information that will be included in this upcoming issue.

Guest Presentations - The first presenter was Alex DeVivo who spoke about UH Planned Giving. The PowerPoint of her presentation is up on the Emeriti website. Michele Troy was the second presenter and spoke briefly about the Presidents’ college. The third presenter was Jim Shattuck who shared information about the work of the UH Retention Committee. The PowerPoint  is on the Emeriti webpage. The presentation included process and outcome information to date.

Harry adjourned the meeting at 1:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Miller, Recording Secretary

Plenary Meeting, October 25, 2022

Wally Banzhaf Presentation

Wally Banzhaf Presentation

Wally Banzhaf presented his frightful experience at sea

View of attendees while Wally presented

View of attendees while Wally presented

Rapt attention as Wally related his near-death experience

Wally at the podium with life vest

Wally at the podium with life vest

2022 Emeriti Scholars

2022 Emeriti Scholars

Megan Baimbridge, Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar, Alecsander Boyd, Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar, and Alexander Hartofelis, Emeriti Scholar

2022 Emeriti Scholars Receiving Awards

2022 Emeriti Scholars Receiving Awards

Harry Workman presenting awards to 2022 Emeriti Scholars

Molly Polk and Mark Boxer Updating Attendees

Molly Polk and Mark Boxer Updating Attendees

Notes from October, 2022 meeting

The Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, in the
1877 Club. There were 39 members and guests attending in person. Guests included Mark
Boxer, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer; R.J. McGivney, Associate Vice
President for Graduate and Professional Studies; Molly Polk, Vice President for Marketing and
Enrollment; Katherine Black, Interim Provost, and our three Emeriti Scholarship recipients.
Co-Chair Zegarelli welcomed all and introduced our guest speaker, Wally Banzhaf, Professor
Emeritus, Engineering Technology, CETA. The title of Wally’s presentation was “Unplanned
Maritime Adventure” and it was most interesting. His talk covered the story of his miraculous
journey that started as a routine mission: Sail from Electric Boat, rendezvous with a submarine, conduct tests, and return home. Twelve men from an EB research vessel did return,
eventually. But they left their ship at the bottom of the Atlantic and brought back only a
question: What went wrong?

Ralph thanked Wally for his most interesting presentation and invited all to enjoy the reception followed by lunch. Following the reception and lunch, Ralph commenced the meeting: Nomination Committee: Leo Smith – The nominees for EA officers for the coming year are: Ralph Zegarelli, Co-Chair; Harry Workman, Co-Chair; and Regina Miller, Recording Secretary. All were officially elected. Mary Dowst will continue in her position of Executive Secretary and Treasurer.

Scholarship Committee: Harry Workman – Harry thanked the members of the Scholarship Committee for their service and dedication. Members of the Scholarship Committee are: Harry (Chair), Steven Gryc, Sharon Pope, Leo Smith, Barbara Wolfe, and Ralph Zegarelli. Harry then announced the scholarship recipients: 2022 Scholarship Awardees 2022 Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholarship Award: Megan Bainbridge, a junior at the The University of Hartford with a cumulative GPA of 3.96, is enrolled both as a sociology major in the College of Arts & Sciences and as a photography major in the Hartford Art School. 2022 Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti; Scholarship Award: Alecsander Boyd is a junior in the Barney School of Business with a double major in the Business Analytics and Managerial Economics program, and the Finance program. He currently has a 4.0 GPA. 2022 Emeriti Scholarship Award: Alexander Hartofelis is majoring in music education at the Hartt School and currently enjoys a GPA of 3.97. Harry then congratulated Megan, Alecsander, and Alexander and introduced them to the group. Each of the students spoke, expressing their appreciation and thanking the Emeriti Association for their scholarship. They talked a bit about themselves, about their involvement with the University, and also their many activities and accomplishments, both within the University and the community. Harry then presented each of the scholars with a certificate, and once again congratulated them and thanked them for joining us.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Dowst – Mary reviewed the report – (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting). She commented that the emeriti have been generous with money for scholarships. The interest has not been listed yet. Mary noted that all who donate to the Emeriti Scholarship funds will be invited to the Donor Reception to be held in the home of Regina Miller in the West End of Hartford in the spring, date TBA. She thanked all for their contributions to the Scholarship Fund and encouraged all to continue donating. Mary was thanked for her report.

Four guests were welcomed Molly Polk, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment, Mark Boxer, Chief Operating Officer. Katherine Black, Interim Provost, and R.J.McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies, Division of Student Success, and Administration were all welcomed to the meeting.

Mark and Molly provided updates, Mark shared information about UHART START.

  • Goal 1 Metrics of Success: Student Profile/Admission; Profile/Engagement Profile/Engagement
  • Goal 2: Commit Ourselves to the Success of All Students. Activity related to Goal Two focuses on our commitment to student success during and beyond their time at UHart. We will: Deliver excellent career and graduate placement results for our students and Provide exemplary support services and programs in a safe, nourishing environment. Goal 2 Metrics of Success: Student Success at the University
  • Goal 3: Promote a Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, and Socially Just Community. Activity related to Goal Three focuses on bolstering our community’s commitment to equality on campus and beyond. We will: Cultivate, develop, and educate an inclusive UHart community. Goal 3 Metrics of Success: Student Profile and Faculty/Staff Profile
  • Goal 4: Achieve and Maintain a Sustainable Budget. Activity related to Goal Four will focus on
    ensuring our University’s mission and vision stays rooted in sound financial practice. We will: Develop practices that ensure accountability and predictability across campus; Strive for sustained and predictable enrollment that sustains the business model and Create, examine, and enhance revenue streams, including philanthropy. Goal 4 Metrics of Success. Revenue/Expense Management: Alumni Engagement/Endowment Performance
  • Goal 5: Revitalize the Physical Plant. Activity related to Goal Five will enhance, modernize, and beautify the on-campus experience. We will: Create best-practice learning spaces, residential experience, and facilities and Build a more environmentally sustainable campus. Goal 5 Metrics of Success: Physical Plant and Campus Experience
  • Goal 6: Elevate Brand Identity, Positioning, and Strategy: Activity related to Goal Six will advance the profile and reputation of UHart on the global stage. We will: Define and implement a compelling, consistent, and authentic brand identity and Galvanize action by our audiences to meet learning, enrollment, and fundraising goals. Goal 6 Metrics of Success: Brand and Reputation

Molly gave a brief update on the state of the University. Enrollment is great post-pandemic. Increased application volume. 1.5% up for the last 3 years. 1172 was the enrollment goal. UH came in at 1286. All schools are up in enrollment. CETA and ENHP are the stars. Open Houses are critically important. 632 families attended open houses. Scholarship students compete for full or 75% scholarship. Only a few are given but this event draws lots of people to campus to learn more about UH. A lot of new programs: Nursing – brought 115 new students. Business Analytics – 35 new students. Aerospace Engineering – 20 new students and OT brought 12 new students. Another new program is Exercise Science which has 19 new students in the incoming class. There are 116 new student-athletes. High school sophomores and parents are being contacted. A a lot more market research is being done on why those who were admitted did not select UH. The campus looks amazing and Hursey Center is very exciting and well-received. She said that there are so many positives.

Mark Boxer also spoke about the following things: financial sustainability investments reviewed, looking at salaries, partnership with ARAMARK, refreshed 100s of apartments over the summer to create more positive student environments, planning a new track and field facility. When asked about how the endowment is doing? He replied they were not expecting a market downturn.

Old Business – none.

New Business – ARAMARK is instituting price changes. Mark Boxer was able to arrange for the Emeriti Plenary to be charged the same price as in the past. Efforts will be undertaken to make arrangements for future emeriti events and pricing.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Regina Miller, Recording Secretary

Pictures From Plenary Meeting May 17, 2022

President Emeritus Walter Harrison presented "The Challenges Facing Higher Education". (See the notes section below to download a copy.)

View of President Harrison and attendees.

Picture of meeting attendees. 32 members and guests attended.

Co-Chair Harry Workman presented Paddy Cairns with a University of Hartford pen for her 16 years of service as the Emeriti Association Recording Secretary.

Provost Fred Sweitzer provided a UHart update.

View of Provost Fred Sweitzer and attendees.

Notes From Plenary Meeting May 17, 2022

University of Hartford Emeriti Association Spring Plenary Meeting – May 17, 2022

The Emeriti Association Spring Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, in the 1877 Club.  There were 31 members and guests attending in person, plus two members joined via Microsoft Teams Meeting.  Guests included Fred Sweitzer, Provost; R.J. McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies, and a number of our new EA members. 

Co-Chair Workman welcomed all and convened the business part of the meeting.

Introduction of Guests and New Emeriti – Harry welcomed and introduced the new Emeriti members present – Catherine Certo, Robert Decker, Robert Duran, Edward Gray, Robert Lang, Patrick Miller, and Anne Pidano.

In Memoriam – Harry asked for a moment of silence for two of our colleagues who have passed away since our last Plenary meeting – Charles Condon and Mary Andersen.  A moment of silence followed in their memory.  May they rest in peace.  Harry reminded the group that Charles had been instrumental in forming the Emeriti Association at the University of Hartford back in 1989.

Recognition of Paddy Cairns for her years of service as Recording Secretary – Harry told the group that Paddy had been Recording Secretary to the Emeriti Association for 16 years and thanked her for her service. He then presented Paddy with a University of Hartford pen in appreciation of her services.

Scholarship Committee Report:  Harry Workman – Harry reviewed the procedure for selecting the scholarship recipients.  There were 30 applications this year.  There are three scholarships given, each in the amount of $3,000.  Harry thanked the members of the Scholarship Committee for their service and dedication.  Members of the Scholarship Committee are:  Harry (Chair), Sherry Buckberrough, Steven Gryc, Dee Hansen, Sharon Pope, Leo Smith, Barbara Wolfe and Ralph Zegarelli.   

The recipients are as follows:  Alexander Hartofelis, Hartt, will be a senior in the fall, with a major in Music Education, has a 3.97 GPA, has been awarded the Emeriti Scholarship.

Alecsander Boyd, Barney, will be a junior in the fall, with a major in business Analytics/Economics & Finance, has a 4.0 GPA, has been awarded the Humphrey Tonkin Scholarship.

Megan Bainbridge, Art School/A&S, will be a senior in the fall, with a major in Photography/Sociology, has a 3.96 GPA, has been awarded the Walter Harrison Scholarship.

Treasurer’s Report: Mary Dowst – Mary reviewed the report briefly (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting).  She commented we were in pretty good shape and said how pleased she is that we are able to give three $3,000 Emeriti Scholarships.  There is a hope that we might be able to add a fourth scholarship next year.  She thanked all for their contributions and encouraged all to continue donating.  Harry thanked Mary for her report.

Old Business – None.

New Business – A.  Microsoft 365 – Ralph explained the use of Microsoft 365 by University employees. It is a benefit the University provides to members of the Emeriti Association.  Email, Teams, online access to Office applications, and more are part of Microsoft 365. Ralph asked the group if anyone would be interested in receiving instruction to take advantage of this benefit.  There was some interest from the group present.

  1. Newsletter Update – Ralph said that this will be the sixth year the newsletter has been published.  He told the group they should receive their copies in the September timeframe and it will also be on the emeriti website.  The upcoming newsletter is full of information, including an article on previous scholarship recipient, Anna Pan.  The lead article will be by Jane Horvath and Christine Grant about UHart diversity and inclusion.  There will be an article about Dana Brooks (scholarship recipient) and her work with Sharon Pope, and articles about Marty Cohen, Stephen Gryc, and Dee Hansen.

Presentation – Walter Harrison – Ralph introduced Walt whose presentation is entitled “The Challenges Facing Higher Education.”  Walt said that he would be speaking about the future of higher education, talking generally about higher education, not a crisis, and the history of higher education.  Also included in Walt’s presentation was the rising cost of education, intercollegiate athletics, and the threat to big-time athletics.  Ralph thanked Walt for a most informative and interesting presentation.  Walt’s presentation can be downloaded here.

Fred Sweitzer, Provost – Ralph introduced Fred who gave us a brief update on the University.  The title of Fred’s update is “Getting to the Other Side.”  There have been enormous pressures on the University – demographic issues, a decline in government support, COVID.  The question has been – how to respond?

We ground ourselves in who we want to be.  Student commitments are outlined in UHart Start (Goals).  Other commitments include those to professional, disciplinary communities, geographic, and society as a whole.  Fred discussed the University’s strengths and challenges.  Fred spoke of the first wave of investments, which includes academic programs, academic facilities (Hursey Center), student success, and new academic programs.  The second wave of investments addresses the student experience – student mental health, Center for Student Success, Career Studio, Division III, DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice), residence halls, and track and field (which must be supported and there are plans to add field hockey).

Online learning is growing rapidly.  Undergrad enrollment is going well.  New deposits are out-pacing withdrawal activity, allowing us to grow.  As of May 11, 2022, deposits were at 1189, compared to Fall of 2021, when they were at 1135, and Fall of 2020 at 1193.

Fred said that recruiting is going well, there are more students coming to the University, but the retention rate needs to be better.  A lot has been done to make the residential experience a better one, but there is still more to do.

Ralph thanked Fred for being with us and sharing the update on the University.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia D. Cairns for Regina Miller (Recording Secretary)

Pictures from the October 26, 2021 Plenary Meeting

Broad view of attendees

Attendance was slightly below pre pandemic levels.

View showing Dee Hanson presenting

Dee's presentation was well received followed by several questions.

John Schloss, chair of the Nominating Committee, held elections

Harry Workman and Ralph Zegarelli will continue as Co-chairs, Regina Miller is our new Recording Secretary and Mary Dowst will continue as Treasurer and Executive Secretary. Leo Smith moved that we recognize the many years Paddy Cairns as Recording Secretary.

2021 Scholarship Awardees Presented

Camryn Butera, Dana Brooks and Sydney Lewis impressed attendees with their amazing accomplishments, poise and public speaking abilities.

Molly Polk

Our special guests included Molly Polk, Vice President Marketing and Enrollment Administration, R. J. McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies Administration, Division of Student Success, and Mark Boxer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Administration. Molly and R.J. provided an update of UHart news.

Plenary Meeting October 26, 2021, meeting notes

University of Hartford Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting – October 26, 2021

The Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, in the 1877 Club.  There were 29 members and guests attending in person, plus three members were via Microsoft Teams Meeting.  Guests included Mark Boxer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; R.J. McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies; Molly Polk, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment; and our three Emeriti Scholarship recipients.

Co-Chair Workman welcomed all and introduced our guest speaker, Desmaris Hansen, Professor Emeritus, Music Education, The Hartt School.  Desmaris (Dee) is the author of “One Hundred Years of Hartt” – A Centennial Celebration of The Hartt School.  Dee’s presentation was most interesting, with explanations and photos covering the span of years from the founders and their visions to more recent times.  Dee mentioned the “University Archives” and stressed what a treasure trove of information is available there.  Download Dee’s presentation download pdf here for all to enjoy. 

Harry thanked Dee for her most interesting presentation and invited all to enjoy the reception and lunch.

Following the reception, Harry commenced the meeting:

In Memoriam – Remembering deceased colleagues from the past two years – Harry asked for a moment of silence for colleagues who have passed away in the last two years - Peter Breit (A&S), Donald DeBonee (Ward College – now CETA), Margery Gardow, John Gray (A&S), Stephen Misovich (Hillyer), Joseph Voelker (A&S), and Robert Wallace (A&S).  A moment of silence followed in their memory.  May they rest in peace.

Nomination Committee:  John Schloss – The nominees for EA officers for the coming year are:  Ralph Zegarelli, Co-Chair; Harry Workman, Co-Chair; and Regina Miller, Recording Secretary.  All were officially elected.  Mary Dowst will continue in her position of Executive Secretary and Treasurer.

Scholarship Committee:  Harry Workman – Harry reviewed the procedure for selecting the scholarship recipients. There were 37 applicants this year.  Harry thanked the members of the Scholarship Committee for their service and dedication.  Members of the Scholarship Committee are:  Harry (Chair), Susan Coleman, Steven Gryc, Sharon Pope, John Schloss, Leo Smith, Catherine Stevenson, Barbara Wolfe, and Ralph Zegarelli.

Harry then announced the scholarship recipients: 

                Camryn Butera, A&S, with a major in Biology/Pre-Med has a 4.0 GPA, has been awarded the     Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholarship;

                Dana Brooks, A&S, with a major in Criminal Justice has a 4.0 GPA, has been awarded the             Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship;

                Sydney Lewis, CETA, with a major in Civil Engineering has a 3.92 GPA, has been awarded the     Emeriti Scholarship.

Harry then congratulated Camryn, Dana and Sydney and introduced them to the group. Each of the students spoke, expressing their appreciation and thanking the Emeriti Association for their scholarship.  They talked a bit about themselves, about their involvement with the University, and also their many activities and accomplishments, both within the University and the community.

Harry then presented each of the scholars with a certificate, and once again congratulated them and thanked them for joining us.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Dowst – Mary reviewed the report briefly – (a copy of which was distributed at the meeting).  She commented that the interest on the scholarships is $3000 and that the report shows pretty much good news.  She thanked all for their contributions to the Scholarship Fund and encouraged all to continue donating.  Harry thanked Mary for her report.

Old Business – Leo pointed out that for sixteen years, Paddy Cairns has served as recording secretary of the association.  In that time, she has produced the written records not only for the plenary meetings but also for the executive committee meetings and that it is rare that a set of minutes produced by Paddy, on review, requires correction or amendment.  Leo then moved the following resolution for adoption. 

Resolved that the University of Hartford Emeriti Association hereby expresses its heartfelt thanks to Paddy Cairns for her service as Recording Secretary to the Association, and in recognition of a job well done. 

The Resolution was unanimously adopted by the membership.

New Business – none.

Molly Polk, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment – Co-Chair Zegarelli welcomed Molly to the meeting.  Molly gave a brief update on the state of the University.

Molly said that the incoming classes are more diverse and also more academically prepared.  She feels that things are getting almost back to normal after COVID – two open houses were recently held and were very good.  The campus looks amazing and Hursey Center is very exciting and being well received.  She said that there are so many positives.  On enrollment:  This year application and admits across the board overall were up.  There is a lot of interest in UHart but it continues to be a very competitive marketplace, with many traditionally more selective schools over enrolling this year due to pandemic uncertainty.

We welcomed about 1100 new undergraduate students this fall.  We had losses in International  students who were unable to obtain visas with closed embassies, and we hope to see these students able to return in the future.  We also had a late melt from incoming student athletes making a different decision following the University’s decision to transition to a Division III athletics model in the future.  This transition has been difficult, but there is a lot of early interest from new students interested in playing Division III.

Graduate enrollment is steady, having had a 20% increase over the last five years.  There is significant interest and growth in online graduate and certificate programs.    

Molly said that they are working on setting enrollment goals for 2022.

R.J. McGivney said retention last year was a record high for the University, following the second highest this past year - ending up at 77.3%, compared to 80% last year.

Molly stressed again how extremely well the University has done through COVID precautions and takes pride in the University community for keeping each other safe and in-person.

Ralph thanked Molly for joining us.

Harald Sandstrom announced that “Hartford Men in Harmony” will be performing on Saturday, November 27, at 7:30 p.m.  The event will be held at “Trinity on Main” in New Britain, and he encouraged all to attend.

Harry adjourned the meeting at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia D. Cairns, Recording Secretary    

May 20, 2021 Plenary meeting

May 20, 2021 Plenary meeting notes

University of Hartford Emeriti Association Spring Plenary Meeting – May 20, 2021

The Emeriti Association Spring Plenary Meeting was held on Thursday, May 20, 2021, via Microsoft Teams Meeting.  There were 19 attending, including members and guests.  Guests included R.J. McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies; Jessica Nicklin, Associate Vice President for Student Success; and Aaron Isaacs, Dean of Students. 

Co-Chair Zegarelli welcomed all to the meeting and introduced R.J., Jessica and Aaron.  R.J. said that he and Jess and Aaron would be speaking about the Division of Student Success, its progress and future directions and also include how they dealt with COVID.

R.J. said that when President Woodward arrived in 2017, he indicated he wanted to increase retention and graduation rates by 10-points over a five-year period.  The University was at 73% at that time.  R.J. said, “Retention drives everything.”

R.J., Jess, and Aaron are known as “the trio” – they have been working together for three years and are the Division of Student Success!  They looked at what each one’s responsibilities were and figured out what could go together and how the work should be distributed.

R.J., Jess, and Aaron spoke of their major accomplishments as follows:

The Center for Student Success has proved to be very successful.  All the employees who work in the Center for Student Success are people trained to do a little bit of everything.  R.J. said that there is a lot of knowledge and history in that building.  The Center for Student Success includes a “One Stop Shop” for students including student services, registration, getting answers to financial questions, academic advising, offering help in adjusting to college and ways to get involved.  First-year students are assigned an advisor they see once a week, and they also take a first-year success seminar to teach them skills on how to be successful in college.

The Centralized Tutoring Center has centralized all tutoring and writing support.  There are three service offerings which include informed decisions; peer support workshops which include working with peers (eight students in a small workshop); and preceptors where student leaders are helping in the classroom.

The Academic Recovery Programs identify students, who have dropped below 15 credit hours or have GPA’s below a 2.0, and offer those students a free winter or summer course to help them.  Other modalities include coaching, traditional course or a blackboard self-paced course. 

STRIDE – The Success Team for Readiness, Improvement, Diversity and Excellence is a unique program designed to support Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx students during their first year of college and through their time at UofH.  It is an academic success program, which eligible students must apply for once they have submitted their deposit.  Space is limited to sixty students.  There are many benefits to the program including, being eligible for $1,000 aid for their next seven semesters.

Data informed decisions are so important.  The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and their highly skilled staff have done an exemplary job of providing us valuable data so that we can make informed decisions.

The Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion (OSEI) merged several engagement offices into one cohesive department to create a one-stop shop for students to get involved on and off campus.  Existing space was renovated in Gengras in order to create a centralized office.

The Public Safety Department is diversifying their staff and they are implementing a community public safety model.  They have a Student Ambassador Program.  The department is rebranding- uniforms, vehicles, etc.  There are also 15 EMS students working on campus.

The Division of Student Success is constantly striving toward a better retention rate.  The retention results for the past year increased first to second year student retention for all students from 76% to 81% last year.  It also increased first to second year minority student retention from 67% to 81%.  Both are the highest in the University’s history.  And, all this happened during a pandemic!

Looking ahead to meet the needs and desires of the students, considering areas such as their mental health, residential life, expansion of programs, and summer abroad experience, is a priority.  Some improvements are needed in residential life.  Many things have been done to improve the overall experience, such as improvements to common space in the dorms, fire-pits on campus – which have been enjoyed by the students, upgrading the Village Apartments from the 80’s to 2021 – which will be used for Graduate housing.  There will be an expansion of programs.  Fifty to sixty students will be able to take advantage of the Summer Abroad Program next summer at the end of their first year.

The University dealt with the COVID experience during the last 15 months extremely well.  The retention rate during COVID was 81%.  Executive Teams were set up to deal with Academics, Policies, Residential Life and Student Life and Engagement.  R.J. led the Academic Team; Jess led the Policies Team; Aaron led the Residential Life and Student Life and Engagement Team.

A Q & A period followed.

Co-Chair Zegarelli thanked R.J., Jess, and Aaron for joining us and updating us on the Division of Student Success.

Co-Chair Workman commenced the business meeting by announcing new Emeriti members.  They are as follows: College of Arts & Sciences – Douglas Eichar and Laurence (Larry) Gould; Hartford Art School – Gene Gort; College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture – Ladimer (Lad) Nagurney; and Barney School of Business – Carl Smith.  Harry welcomed Lad Nagurney and Larry Gould who were in attendance.

Harry explained that Randi Ashton-Pritting, who recently retired after serving 40-plus years in various positions in the Harrison Libraries and becoming director in 2002, had been recommended to the Executive Committee to become a member of the Emeriti Association.  The Executive committee unanimously voted to invite Randi to join the Emeriti Association.  There were no objections from the general Emeriti Association members and thereby, her membership is approved!  Welcome, Randi!

Harry gave a report on the Scholarship Committee and announced the winners of the three Scholarships for this year.  Harry explained the process for the students to apply.  There were 37 applicants this year and all were very strong candidates.  The Scholarship Committee consists of:  Harry - Chair; Susan Coleman, Steve Gryc, Sharon Pope, John Schloss, Leo Smith, Catherine Stevenson, Barbara Wolfe, Ralph Zegarelli.  Harry thanked the committee for their work in selecting the recipients.

                The awardees are:  Camryn Butera, A&S, with a major in Biology/Pre-Med has a 4.0 GPA, has been awarded the Walter Harrison Scholarship; Dana Brooks, A&S, with a major in Criminal Justice has a 4.0 GPA, has been awarded the Humphrey Tonkin Scholarship; and Sydney Lewis, CETA, with a major in Civil Engineering has a 3.92 GPA, has been awarded the Emeriti Scholarship.

Harry thanked the membership for their donations and encouraged all to continue making donations to the Emeriti Scholarship Fund.

Harry invited Mary Dowst to give the Treasurer’s Report.  Mary said that the Emeriti funds are doing well and explained that the Endowment Fund has $55,465 (and gifts are still coming in) – the Restricted Scholarship Fund has $20,000 and should have more at fiscal year-end.  The Emeriti Restricted Fund has $9,000 to roll over.  There has not been a lot of expense/spending this year.  Mary said that we may be able to give another scholarship next year.  Harry thanked Mary for her report.

Harry announced that we usually have an “In Memoriam” moment at our Plenary Meetings, but decided to postpone that until our October meeting when, hopefully, we will be able to meet in person.

Work is taking place on the Newsletter, which will be published in September.

Co-Chair Workman adjourned the meeting at 11:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia D. Cairns

2020 Plenary Meetings

October 22, 2020

October 22, 2020

The Emeriti Association Fall Plenary Meeting was held on Thursday, October 22, 2020, via WebEx. There were 26 participants (as shown on the WebEx screen at one point). Guests included: Randi Ashton-Pritting and Sean Parke.

October 22, 2020 meeting notes

Chair Smith called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.  Prior to the Business Meeting, Chair Smith welcomed all to the meeting and asked Randi Ashton-Pritting to introduce our speaker, Sean Parke, University Archivist.

Sean gave a most interesting presentation entitled “An Introduction to Archives and Special Collections.”  His presentation included records of the founding of the University of Hartford and times prior.  The Archives also include special collections of faculty and administrators.    Sean pointed out that anyone can visit the Archives – by appointment only. 

To donate or transfer materials to the archives, Sean can be contacted at (860) 768-4143, or by email  Sean asked that nothing be brought in, dropped off, or sent in the mail without approval.  He also explained that he could not provide copies of donated items, often because of copyright concerns.   

Sean went on to explain what happens when items are donated – from the accessioning (paper record), processing (arranging, proper handling, preservation concerns, describe collections in finding aids), digitizing (small percentage of materials), prioritizing and providing access.

Sean showed a number of photos, or films, including Governor Ribicoff signing the Charter for the University of Hartford on February 21, 1957  (the University was chartered through the joining of the Hartford Art School, Hartt School of Music and Hillyer College).  Others included the first Commencement on the lawn of our campus near North House (now called Bates House) on June 9, 1968.   Archibald Woodruff was President at that time.  Other photos of interest included Marian Anderson performing in Millard Auditorium on December 5, 1963 for the Dedication of the Fuller Music Center, Mr. Mortensen breaking ground for the William H. Mortensen Library, “On Strike 1970”, and the Hillyer College Fighting Hawks (nickname “Fighting’ Hawks”) Mascot, which originated when Hillyer College competed in sports in the 1940’s.

Sean showed many photographs of the progression of growth of the University from Bates House, to the first building on campus, University Hall (1960), now Hillyer Hall, to more recent times.  The Archives hold many old yearbooks and college newspapers.

Sean gave a brief demo on how to do a search.  For more information, contact Sean.  Walt asked Sean if he would do a search on Ed Weinswig, then we all saw a young Ed from the 1968 Primus!  Sean explained that we can also do a search online.  In response to a question from Mike, Sean said that we can search other Connecticut Archives online – such as the CT Digital Archive Collection.

Leo spoke of Randi’s pending retirement and how grateful we are for all that she has done to assist the Emeriti Association and also that she has requested any contributions in her honor be donated to the Emeriti Scholarship Fund.

In Memoriam – Leo asked for a moment of silence for three of our members who recently passed away, Don DeBonee (CETA), Marge Gardow (Wife of Ernie), and John Gray (A&S).  May they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing.

Welcome to new Emeriti – Leo welcomed our new Emeriti members Demaris (Dee) Hansen (Hartt), Marcia Seabury (Hillyer), and Donn Weinholtz (ENHP).  All are invited to be guests for lunch at our next Plenary Meeting.

Election of Officers – The nominees for EA officers for the coming year are:  Ralph Zegarelli, Co-Chair; Harry Workman, Co-Chair; Patricia Cairns, Recording Secretary.  All were officially elected.  Mary Dowst will continue in her position as Executive Secretary and Treasurer.

Treasurer’s Report – Mary discussed the latest numbers in comparison to last year’s numbers.  Since the 2020 Spring Plenary Meeting was cancelled, there was a 50% drop in income due to the Pandemic.  We are behind in Scholarship money; however, some is coming in now.  Interest from the endowed scholarship fund is down, but basically, we are in good shape.  Mary thanked all for their contributions to the scholarship fund and encouraged everyone to continue donating to this worthy cause.

Mary also thanked Randi for requesting any contributions made in her honor be made to the Emeriti Scholarship Fund.

Leo commented that we were ahead in Scholarship funds and that the endowment looked good. Leo thanked Mary for her report and encouraged members to keep contributing to the Emeriti Scholarship Fund.

Scholarship Committee:  Harry Workman, Chair – Harry explained that we have three very deserving scholarship recipients, congratulated them and said how fortunate we are that they were able to join us today. Harry then explained the process for selecting the Emeriti Scholarship awardees. Announcements are sent out in February seeking applicants.  The applications are due in March. The Scholarship Committee, consisting of Steve Gryc, Sharon Pope, John Schloss, Leo Smith, Ed Weinswig, Barbara Wolfe and Ralph Zegarelli, then review the materials and make recommendations to the Executive Committee in April.

Harry then introduced the awardees: 

                Margaret Ann Hofbauer, ENHP, Health Sciences, with a major in PT has a GPA of 4.0 and is a Senior. She has been awarded the Walter Harrison Scholarship. 

                Juli Dajci, A&S, with a major in Mathematics, Psychology, and POGO has a GPA of 4.0 and is a Senior. He has been awarded the Humphrey Tonkin Scholarship. He was previously awarded an Emeriti Scholarship last year. 

                Kyleigh Olivier, Hartt, with a major in Fine Arts Dance, has a GPA of 3.83 and is a Junior. Kyleigh was awarded the Emeriti Scholarship.

Margaret Ann, Juli, and Kyleigh each spoke, expressing their gratitude and thanking the Emeriti Association for their scholarships.  They each gave a brief history of their time at the University of Hartford and talked about their involvement with the University and also their many accomplishments, both within the University and the community.  They stressed how the faculty and the University as a whole have helped them.   

Harry thanked Margaret Ann, Juli and Kyleigh for joining us.  All are invited to be guests for lunch at our next Plenary Meeting.  Chair Smith congratulated the students and thanked Harry and the Scholarship Committee for their dedicated service. 

Newsletter Committee – Ralph Zegarelli – Ralph announced the Newsletter had been mailed.  The committee worked long and hard over the summer.  The Newsletter can be found on the Emeriti website at      

Leo said that the next Plenary Meeting is scheduled for May 2021 (the Thursday following Commencement).  We are hopeful, but not too confident, it will be on campus.

May 2020

The May 2020 meeting was cancelled due to the pandemic.

2019 Plenary Meeting

Molly Polk - October

Molly Polk - October

Molly Polk, Vice President Marketing and Enrollment, presented detailed information about initiatives being undertaken to address the issues and threats related to marketing and enrollment in higher education today. She presented the many new UHart efforts to boost enrollment and shared statistics about where students are coming from both within the US and from other countries. The new UHart magazine is exciting and has been receiving good reviews.

UHart Magazines

Harald and Mike - October

Harald and Mike - October

Harald Sandstrom and Michael Kahn with two Emeriti Scholars: Juli Dajci the 2019 Humphrey Tonkin Scholar and Quimby Wechter the 2019 Emeriti Scholar.

Sharon and Harald - October

Sharon and Harald - October

Sharon Pope and Harald Sandstrom with Alesha Heacock the 2019 Walter Harrison Scholar.

Paola Sacchetti - May

Paola Sacchetti - May

Paola Sacchetti, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Director MS Neuroscience Department of Biology presented "Alzheimer’s disease: the status quo and the emergence of new hypotheses (and treatments)".

Paol Sacchetti's Presentation

Frederick Sweitzer - May

Frederick Sweitzer

Provost Sweitzer Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost provided an update of University current events to the Emeriti Association

New Members - May

New Members - May

New members in photograph left to right: Charles Canedy, The Barney School, Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship; Susan Coleman, The Barney School, Economics, Finance and Insurance; and Michael Bzullak, The Barney School, Management Information Systems. Not in photograph: Eugene Kim, The Barney School, Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship; Renwick Griswold, Hillyer College, Social Sciences; Paul Siegel, the College of Arts and Sciences, Communication; and Monica Hardesty, the College of Arts and Sciences, Sociology.

2018 Plenary Meetings

Katherine Owens - October

Katherine Owens

Katherine Owens, Associate Professor, Department of Politics, Economics, and International Studies and Director of University Interdisciplinary Studies presented "Engaging Students on Marine Debris".

Katherine's Presentation

2018 Scholars - October

2018 Scholars - October

We awarded 3 scholarships in October: Quimby Wechter, the Walter Harrison Scholar seen addressing the Emeriti; Kali Meadows the Humphrey Tonkin Scholar and Samantha Chasse the Emeriti Scholar. Press the link below to see all Scholarship awardees.

Scholarship Awardees

Robert Wallace - October

Robert Wallace - October

Robert Wallace, Chair of the Emeriti Executive Committee, introduced Dr. Owens.

Matthew Parente - May

Matthew Parente - May

Bob Wallace introduces Matthew Parente, Assistant Professor of Prosthetics and Orthotics; Program Director of Prosthetics and Orthotics Department of Rehabilitation Sciences in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions. Matthew presented "Science Fiction to Science Fact A Look at the Past, Present, and Future of Prosthetic Devices". See link to Dr. Parente's presentation below.

Matthews' Presentation

Dr. Parente Demonstrates - May

Dr. Parente Demonstrates - May

Dr. Parente demonstrated prosthetic devices.

New members - May

New members - May

Mew members of the Emeriti Association: They are Charlotte Bacon, the College of Arts and Sciences Biology; Sherry Buckberrough, The Hartford Art School, Art History; John Carson, VP University Relations; Ann Costello, The Barney School, Economics, Finance, and Insurance; Roger Desmond, the College of Arts and Sciences, Communications; Donald Ellis, the College of Arts and Sciences Communications; Walter Hall, The Hartford Art School, Ceramics; Howard Mayer, Hillyer College English; Marcia Moen, the College of Arts and Sciences, Philosophy; Anthony Rauche, The Hillyer College, Humanities. Five new members attended the May plenary meeting, pictured left to right: John Carson, Walter Hall, Ann Costello and Anthony Rauche. Charlotte Bacon was also present.

2017 Plenary Meetings

Gregory Woodward - October

Gregory Woodward - October

President Woodward updated the Emeriti on exciting things happening at the university.

Humphrey Tonkin - October

Humphrey Tonkin - October

President Emeritus Humphrey Tonkin accepts a document naming one of the Emeriti scholarships the Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholarship.

Mike Kahn - October

Mike Kahn - October

Mike Kahn announced "Emeriti Matters" a yearly newsletter first published in the summer of 2017. The newsletter is intended to reach Emeriti unable to attend plenary meetings and to create awareness of our existence and contributions to UHart faculty and staff. Click the link below to download copies of past issues.


John Nordyke - June

John Nordyke - June

John Nordyke, Professor of Visual Communication Design, Hartford Art School, presented "Show & Tell - Birthday, Princess, Time, and Book". Click the link below to access John's presentation.

John Nordyke's presentation

John Nordyke discusses fonts - June

John Nordyke discusses fonts - June

Professor Nordyke discusses fonts with Walter Harrison and Provost Fred Sweitzer.

Lucille Nickerson - June

Lucille Nickerson - June

Lucille Nickerson, Chair of the UHart Board of Regents, discussed the purpose of the Board of Regents and their dedication to the university.

Walter Harrison - June

Walter Harrison - June

President Harrison provided an update of UHart current events.

2016 Plenary Meetings

Edward Cumming - October

Edward Cumming - October

Edward Cumming, Primrose Fuller Associate Professor of Orchestral Activities, Instrumental Studies, The Hartt School, discussed hard times facing some orchestras around the country.

Scholars and Walt Harrison - October

Scholars and Walt Harrison - October

President Harrison provided an update. Seated at the table in front of Walt are from left to right: Colin Worrich, Elizabeth Martin and Kochava Krieger. To see their accomplishments, please click on the link below then scroll to the 2016 scholars section.

2016 Scholars

Attendees - October

Attendees - October

The meeting was well attended.

Susan Coleman - May

Susan Coleman - May

Susan Coleman, Emeritus Professor of Finance, The Barney School, presented topics from her upcoming book titled "Financing Women's Growth-Oriented Firms The Next Wave".

Article by Dr. Coleman

Randi Ashton-Pritting - May

Randi Ashton-Pritting - May

Randi Ashton-Pritting, Director, Harrison Libraries, talked about the upcoming addition to the Harrison Library. Randi discussed the plans and showed architectural drawings of the exterior and interior of the new addition.

At the break - May

At the break - May

Harry Workman, Tom Sharpless, Ray Bogucki and Howard Goldick enjoy the break.

2015 Plenary Meetings

Alexandra Onuf - October

Alexandra Onuf - October

Alexandra "Zee" Onuf, Chair of Art History, the Hartford Art School, presented "Prints and Reprints: Early Modern Print Publishing in the Netherlands".

Scholars - October

Scholars - October

Leo Smith, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, introduced John Carlos Coloma and Nicole Tomasik the 2015 Emeriti Scholars. They talked about their accomplishments at UHart. For further information about them, click the link below and scroll to the 2015 section.

2015 Scholars

Walter Banzhaf - October

Walter Banzhaf - October

Robert Wallace, Chair of the Emeriti Executive Committee and Leo Smith, Chair of the Emeriti Scholarship Committee, presented an award to Wally for his service to the Emeriti Association.

David Pines - May

David Pines - May

David Pines, Associate Dean for Student Support; Professor Civil, Environmental, and Biomedical Engineering, of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, presented projects he led in Kenya and India.

Anton Goff - May

Anton Goff - May

Anton Goff, Director of Athletics, discussed sports at UHart.

2014 Plenary Meetings

25th Anniversary Tree - October

25th Anniversary Tree - October

The Emeriti gathered dedicated this tree to commemorate the 25 years since the founding of the Emeriti Association.

Charles Condon - October

Charles Condon - October

Charles Condon discussed how the Emeriti Association was founded in 1989.

Scholars - October

Scholars - October

Leo Smith, Chair of the Emeriti Scholarship Committee, introduced Melissa Kenney and Brittany Sue Hines as the 2014 Emeriti Scholars. To see more information about the scholars click on the link below the scroll to the 2014 section.

2014 Scholars

Amanda Walling - May

Amanda Walling - May

Amanda Walling, Associate Professor of English, English and Modern Languages in the College of Arts and Sciences, discussed languages influencing English including Anglo-Saxon and French-Derived Words.

Lucille Nickerson and Walter Harrison - May

Lucille Nickerson and Walter Harrison - May

Lucille Nickerson, Chair of UHart's Board of Regents and President Walter Harrison provided an update including current university events.

Virginia Hale and Paddy Clines - May

Virginia Hale and Paddy Clines - May

Virginia Hale and Paddy Clines greet meeting attendees.