Storm Alert

Due to significant snow and ice accumulation, the University of Hartford will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 16. Regular operating hours will resume on Monday.



Every Spring Students Apply for an Emeriti Scholarship

The Emeriti Association of the University of Hartford offers three $3,000 scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023. Two of these are named in honor of past University Presidents Humphrey Tonkin and Walter Harrison. Applications for the awards are due by 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 11, 2022. The awards, given annually to University of Hartford full-time undergraduate students, are based on the following criteria:

  1. Scholarly achievement. A Grade Point Average of at least 3.50 is the minimum expected for consideration by the selection committee.
  2. Service. The candidate must provide evidence of activities which contribute to the betterment of the University of Hartford and/or the community at large.
  3. Applicants must be undergraduates in any of the colleges of the University of Hartford and must be entering their junior or senior year as full-time students in the fall 2022 semester. Students who entered the University with advanced placement credits must have completed two semesters at the University to be eligible to apply. Students who entered the University as transfer students must have completed one semester at the University to be eligible to apply.
  4. A successful applicant may seek renewal of the award provided all the criteria for eligibility, as stated above, are satisfied; however, effort will be made to rotate the award among the various colleges of the University.
How to Apply

Students must submit an electronic application package to the email address,, for the Executive Secretary of the Emeriti Association (Mary Dowst), outlining their qualifications for consideration.

There is no application form; to apply, students should submit a PDF file of the following:

1) A letter of application (no more than 2 pages) which includes: your school, major, level and current Grade Point Average; your goals and objectives; and Information pertaining to your scholarship and service activities. Indicate the names of your two references.

2) A resume (must be no more than one page in length). Please be sure to include a current address, telephone number, and current email address.

Two letters of recommendation are required from individuals who are familiar with your scholarship and service accomplishments. At least one reference must be from a full-time faculty member of the University of Hartford from whom the applicant has taken and completed at least one course or one semester of research. Recommenders must submit letters in PDF format to

The Emeriti Scholarship Committee, which represents a diversity of faculty disciplines, shall evaluate all applications and recommend three students for the awards. The awards for academic year 2022-2023 will be announced in late April, 2022.

Email PDF files of all materials to by 4 p.m. Friday March 19, 2021.
Questions? Contact Mary Dowst, Department of Biology, Room BC257 (860-768-4531 or

Please Support the Emeriti Scholarship

One of the Association's most rewarding undertakings since our founding has been the Emeriti Scholarship Program. Our awardees are both dedicated scholars and contributors to the University community and beyond.

2024 Scholars

Joseph Lothamer - Walter Harrison Scholar

Joseph Lothamer - Walter Harrison Scholar

Joseph Lothamer will be a senior in the fall of 2024. He is studying orthotics and prosthetics in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions. He is a Pole Vaulter on the University Track and Field team. He carefully manages academic and sports activities and has achieved a GPA of 3.95. He plans to graduate with a BS/MSPO in 2026 and to work as a prosthetist/orthotist. Joseph wants to create custom devices for those who have lost limbs or have physical impairments and would benefit from assistive devices. He is especially interested in helping individuals with disabilities who might not be able to afford a standard prosthetic device. This interest was sparked during his sophomore year when he developed the skill to use a program called Enable with a 3-D printer to generate a prosthetic hand at a fraction of the cost of a standard device. The work with Enable helped him realize the potential of new technologies and how they might be used to help people with significant needs. It also resulted in an expanded interest in 3-D printing and a desire to complete more difficult projects. He became involved in a research project with a physics professor to study the forces in a shoulder joint. Joseph designed a 3-D printed arm and used it to investigate the forces exerted on the deltoid muscle during the abduction of the arm. The research received support from the NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium and the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Hartford. The work is part of a publication in preparation. In addition to academic activities, Joseph participates with the Track and Field Team in pole vaulting competitions. Currently, he is a record holder for both indoor and outdoor pole vaulting at the University. The demands on his time are significant because practice often starts at 5:15 am and the team travels to competitions on many weekends. As part of his commitment to athletics, he mentors younger athletes. This is a satisfying experience and their success is his reward. Academics and practice schedules keep Joseph busy, but he still finds time to participate in several organizations. He serves as treasurer of the organization called Prosthetics and Orthotics Student Association. He is a member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), which allows him to work with other student-athletes and to provide insight into the student-athlete experience.

Grace Farland – Humphrey Tonkin Scholarship

Grace Farland – Humphrey Tonkin Scholarship

Grace Farland will be a senior in the fall of 2024. She is a student-athlete working to earn a degree in Integrated Elementary and Special Education from the College of ENHP and she is a member of the Women’s Golf team. Her desire for excellence is evident in her current GPA of 4.0 Her goal is to become an outstanding teacher. Grace embraces the responsibility a teacher must guide young students and shape the future through the students in her classes. To reach her goal Grace has shown determination in the pursuit of her academic work. Her commitment to academic endeavors is evident through her preparation for classes, active participation in discussions, and engagement in class activities. As part of her program in teaching, Grace taught two mathematics lessons that required detailed planning. In the lessons, she demonstrated an ability to think on her feet and effectively field student questions to create a productive presentation and discussion of the mathematics involved. She is confident that being an elementary school teacher will be very rewarding. The game of golf is special to Grace and has provided many opportunities. Her involvement in Women’s Golf made it possible for her to form close friendships with people from all over the world. Her participation in collegiate golf tournaments has helped her to improve as a golfer, an individual, and a student. Her success as a student-athlete required developing time-management skills and taking responsibility for her actions. Her experiences as a collegiate athlete have taught her many valuable life lessons. Since freshmen year she has been a member of the University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). Through SAAC, she became involved in many service activities. One particularly rewarding activity was participation in Junior Achievement Day (JA Day). Junior Achievement is a non-profit organization that aims to educate young students about the importance of entrepreneurship, families, neighborhoods, work, college, and career readiness, and more. Accompanied by two of her fellow student-athletes, she spent the entire day at Noah Webster Elementary School in Hartford teaching second-grade students. Together, they presented lessons and activities on the topics listed above. It was a special experience for Grace. Other activities include SAAC Food Drives, the Hartford Hawks Golf Classic Charity Tournament, the University of Hartford Magnet School First Day of School Cheerleader, a recruit tour guide for individuals interested in our Women’s Golf Program, and Elizabeth Park Garden Clean-Up with Hawk Hall.

Hilary Bareiss – Emeriti Scholarship

Hilary Bareiss – Emeriti Scholarship

Hilary Bareiss will be a senior in the fall of 2024. She is a Visual Communications Design major in the Art School with minors in Judaic Studies, Printmaking, and Art History. She is also participating in the Honors Program at the University. She currently has a 3.94 GPA. Graphic design has always fascinated Hilary and she fully intended to follow that career path at the University of Hartford. However, her experiences at the University have inspired her to think about other possibilities. Her plans to complete three minors is an indication of her openness to a broad range of experiences and to flexibility in her career pathway. She is currently focused on a career in art conservation. Therefore, after graduation, she would like to pursue a MS degree in Art Conservation. During the summer of 2024, she will have an internship at a local museum which will help with career planning. In 2022-23 Hilary received a Dorothy Goodwin Scholarship. The program was an empowering and highly rewarding experience because it helped her with time management, organizational skills, and public speaking. As part of the program, she did an independent research project focused on the development of Jewish art throughout the Diaspora. The research included the study of illuminated manuscripts and early press-printed prayer books. Her interest and expertise in Judaic Studies, Art History, printmaking, and design were important factors in her research. This work helped her to integrate different fields of interest and study into a unified research project. In addition to her academic experiences, Hilary has sought ways to provide service to the community. In her first year at the University, she joined the Hillel student board as the community service chair. She organized many community service events. These included fundraising for displaced Jewish people in Ukraine and participation in the global Good Deeds Day. As part of the Good Deeds Day program, students on campus worked with Ari’s Bears and made stuffed animals that were delivered to pediatric hospitals. After a year as community service chair, she became Vice President and was responsible for overseeing the program-related activities of the student board. She now serves as Hillel’s External President which involves working closely with the Internal Co-President and Vice President. Her work focuses on Hillel’s external student presence and organizing collaborative interactions for the student board. She works to make sure Hillel is known as a safe and welcoming environment for all students on campus.

2023 Emeriti Scholars

Nicole Paquette - Walter Harrison Scholar

Nicole Paquette - Walter Harrison Scholar

In the past year, I have continued my studies in Flute Performance towards a Bachelor of Music and have taken on a Performing Arts Management minor. I'm still in the Honors Program and have raised my GPA to a 3.99 as of the Fall 2023 semester. While I work as a substitute teacher and special education one-on-one aid for nonverbal children in the spring and summer, I also took on a volunteer mentor role at the Manchester Community Music School Flute Choir in NH. On the UHart campus, I continue to tutor flute students that cannot attend regular flute technique classes and have been asked to lead the regularly scheduled classes next year. I'm involved with the UHart Catholic Campus Choristers (church band), Stratosphere Flute Choir, Blue Hour Flute Quartet, and Hartt Wind Ensemble with whom I perform and rehearse with regularly. Looking towards the future, I plan to audition for graduate schools, military band positions, and am job searching for music business internships. 2023 Walter Harrison Scholarship Award: Nicole Paquette, will be a Junior at the University of Hartford. She is a Flute Performance major in the Hartt School and is enrolled in the Honors program. Despite all the demands on her time she has maintained a 3.98 GPA. Nicole has set high goals for herself and has worked hard to improve her music skills. Her experience and skill have increased substantially over the past two years. She gladly assists freshmen by sharing these experiences and insights. Also, she is very supportive of her classmates and provides encouraging advice in studio class. As a member of Stratosphere, the Hartt flute choir, she plays in weekly rehearsals and performs in concerts each semester. Her range of expertise has expanded to include the alto flute and the bass flute. Nicole receives very positive reviews from conductors in Band, Wind Ensemble, and in musicals. She is conscientious and dedicated to her performance on the flute. She is committed to her practice and passionate about music. She is becoming a versatile player which will allow her to pursue music in many different fields. Academics and practice schedules keep Nicole very busy. However, she still finds time to be involved in activities supporting the University community and the broader community. She serves as a Wellness Peer Support Class Leader. She encourages students to prioritize their mental health and provides support and resources to students that are struggling. Her work with the students in this class has been focused on mental health, connection, and inclusion. She is Question Persuade Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Certified. Outside of the University of Hartford, she has served as a volunteer Music Therapist for the Cancer Center of the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Nashua, NH and as a Middle School Wind Ensemble Director for the Pelham Memorial School in Pelham, NH. As the previous Director for the Choristers Church Band (2022), she led rehearsals and worship services for the Choristers Church Band to help provide a meaningful spiritual experience. This experience helped her to improve leadership skills, organizational skills, and spiritual awareness. She is still an active member of the band, but this year has passed the leadership position a new next Music Minister. Nicole wishes to use music to bring hope and joy to those who need it, worship to those in church, and a sense of community to students that dedicate themselves to music.

Emily Rutledge - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Emily Rutledge - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Emily Rutledge will be a 2024 graduate of the University of Hartford with a 4.0 GPA. She will be receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with Secondary Education Certification and a minor in Accounting. She is involved in Hartford Events and Activities Team and Best Buddies on campus and holds the position of Secretary for both organizations. She also works at the box offices on campus. She is currently completing her student teaching in a 7th grade math classroom in West Hartford and is enjoying starting to take over the classroom, creating lessons, and getting to know the students. After graduation she plans to pursue a career in education or accounting.   Emily Rutledge, is an outstanding student enrolled in Arts and Sciences with a major in Secondary Education Mathematics and a minor in accounting. She is planning to graduate in 2024. She has demonstrated stellar academic performance with a 4.0 GPA. Emily has always been interested in mathematics and enjoys solving mathematical problems. She is intrigued with solving math problems but importantly is not satisfied until she has a fundamental understanding of the solution process. She takes the fundamental understanding and uses it to develop explanations of the problem-solving process to others. These talents provide a strong foundation for teaching mathematics to students at the secondary level. She wishes to foster the love of mathematics in all the students she teaches. Emily has been involved in significant service contributions. She is a supporter of the international organization, Best Buddies. It advocates for inclusivity and provides local students with disabilities the opportunity to take part in social interactions and help build relationships. She is a buddy coordinator for the club which helps pair University students with buddies. This involves checking with the buddy pairs and parents to resolve issues that might arise. Next year she will continue to be on the Best Buddies Executive Board and will be holding the position of Secretary. Her position on the E-Board has involved helping to help facilitate meetings and plan events for the organization. She was Secretary of the Hartford Events and Activities Team (HEAT) during the 2022-23 academic year. Emily is responsible for contacting all members, maintaining an updated inventory, getting supplies together for events, and ensuring all emails sent to the organization receive a prompt response. She works with members to ensure they are engaged in the organization by attending meetings and volunteering for events. She collaborates with other executive board members to understand the requirements for each event. She is co-founder of a new club on campus called UHart (Taylor’s Version). It is a Taylor Swift club and Emily serves as Vice President. The club has given students on campus a place to celebrate a person who has been a significant source of entertainment and fun for much of their lives. The club provides a relaxing atmosphere and gives students something enjoyable to look forward to every other week. Emily will be an outstanding teacher because she enjoys helping others and sharing her knowledge. Also, she likes discovering new ways to present information more clearly and understanding how students learn.

Anna Leonard - Emeriti Scholar

Anna Leonard - Emeriti Scholar

Currently I am a first semester senior in the Psychology Department with a Gender and Sexuality Studies minor, that has an expected graduation date of Fall 2024. I have now had the honor to present twice at conferences put on by the Association of Women in Psychology. This has been because of research done with my professor and mentor Dr. Matacin in the fields of DEIJB, intersectionality, feminism, body image, and other applicable fields. Using research that was gathered in a first-year seminar that I precepted for alongside Dr. Matacin, I plan to write a formal article about the research findings and work on its publication for my senior non-thesis honors project. That study focused on body image and how that effects college aged individuals, especially those just coming to the University of Hartford. It is an area that I hope to pursue further with my plans of getting a Psy.D. in which I plan to begin the application process for soon. I still also remain a part of the Executive Board for the campus organization Women For Change, as I empower campus and community efforts for gender equality through leadership opportunities and social justice actions. Overall, I keep hoping to intertwine my social justice activism and my passion for clinical psychology in both my academic career and my participation in on and off campus communities. Anna Leonard is a Psychology major in Arts and Sciences and enrolled in the Honors Program. She is committed to both her studies and the larger community. Anna has an excellent academic record with a 3.91 GPA. She is planning to graduate in 2024. Beginning with her very first semester at the University, she has taken advantage of opportunities available to broaden her education. In her First Year Seminar (FYS) course she played a key role in a collaborative project on the social experiences of college students in the freshman year. Anna took careful notes on the dialogue with other students, asked clarifying questions, and brought relevant class content into the conversation. At the end of the year the project was presented by the class at the First Year Seminar Symposium and received an audience favorite award. Anna’s leadership in envisioning the final presentation helped guide the project to recognition. Her exceptional performance in the course resulted in an invitation to be a preceptor in the fall of 2023 for the same FYS course. Because of her demonstrated ability in the FYS course, Anna was also asked by the instructor to be part of a panel to present the project work at the Association for Women in Psychology national conference. Conference attendees were impressed with her presentation. Anna excelled in a women’s history course this past year where students were expected to engage in historical interpretation, write effective essays, and engage in critical discourse with their fellow students during class. According to the instructor for the course. “She was ready to discuss the assigned readings and make thoughtful contributions to the group discussion. She challenged her classmates to think more deeply about the course material, and in turn, they valued her contributions. “ Anna is member of the campus organization called Women for Change that deals with social justice issues especially those relating to women. Currently, she is a member of the executive board and serves as secretary. The organization works to make changes in university policy to promote diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, acceptance/visibility of oppressed individuals, mental health acceptance, advocacy for victims of sexual assault, and other similar areas. The goal is to make the community on campus feel safe and welcoming for all. The activities often help support local outreach centers as well as planning a drive of period products to donate to a women’s shelter. As a member of the leadership team, Anna traveled to Washington D.C. to protest at the Women’s March.

2022 Emeriti Scholars

Megan Bainbridge - Walter Harrison Scholar

Megan Bainbridge - Walter Harrison Scholar

Megan Bainbridge, a Junior at the University of Hartford with a cumulative GPA of 3.96, is enrolled in two programs. She is a Sociology major in Arts & Sciences and a Photography major in the Hartford Art School. A fascination with observing the interactions between people and capturing this interaction using various methods is the foundation for her creative work. She would like to enter the creative field and produce art based on these interactions. Her interest in Sociology stems from a desire to conduct social research and a broader desire to work in a community outreach program. Ultimately, she would like to work with children with adverse childhood experiences to help them overcome these negative experiences. She has a broad range of skills in visual artmaking such as design work, painting, woodworking, and fiber art. She is a multi-talented individual. Megan is an active member of the LEAD program (Leadership, Education, and Development) at the University of Hartford. LEAD is a highly selective program for undergraduate women. It helps students recognize their strengths, explore opportunities, and overcome challenges. She has volunteered to mentor first-year students as they join the LEAD program for the first time. Her positive personality and an ability to really listen and care about uplifting others has been the foundation of her mentoring skills. Megan has helped with numerous community service clean-ups at Hog River and coastal beach towns. She helped fill paper bags with feminine hygiene products for “My Sister’s Place” and created bags filled with books for young students active in “The Horizons Program.” Megan has facilitated numerous paint nights to help other students release their creative energy and create a space for everyone to enjoy. In addition, she is in her second year as a Residential Assistant (RA) on campus. This year she successfully faced the challenges of working with first-year students, which is far more challenging than the position she had last year as an RA for upper-level students. Megan has demonstrated excellence in scholarship and service work at the University of Hartford and is a very deserving recipient of the Emeriti Scholarship.

Alecsander Boyd - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Alecsander Boyd - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Alecsander Boyd is a Junior in the Barney School of Business with a double major in the Business Analytics and Managerial Economics program, and the Finance program. He has demonstrated outstanding academic performance with a 4.0 GPA. During the 2020 academic year Alecsander and another student (A&S mathematics major) proposed the formation of a new student organization called Q2 (quantitative and qualitative) that would allow students to utilize business analytics outside of the classroom. The purpose of Q2 is to promote and facilitate both quantitative and qualitative student research. In the formation process, Alec led several presentations to describe to faculty and the University administration the plans and purpose of Q2. This new organization has attracted significant student interest. The organization allows students from Barney and other University of Hartford schools to work on research projects. They have studied the commodity futures and stock markets and have participated in international competitions to test their knowledge. Another significant activity is his volunteer membership in the Kycia farm committee. As a member of the committee, he worked with residents and government officials from Wethersfield to create a plan for the development of Kycia farmland, 33 acres, for mixed purpose use. He is currently a Business Intelligence and Analysis Intern at Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Initially, he saw this intern position posted and realized that he lacked the necessary skill in the software called Python. As a result, he enrolled in a Python software training program to get qualified and then applied successfully for the position. During his time at the University of Hartford he has been a member of the Soccer team. Additionally, he is a student Ambassador for Barney and meets with students to help with the transition to University of Hartford life. He also gives presentations to visiting students during admissions activities. He demonstrates the features of the analytics lab and trading room in Barney to visiting students. His enthusiasm in these activities generates excitement and active engagement in the attendees. Alecsander has taken advantage of opportunities available at the University of Hartford and has enhanced the opportunities available to other students. He has demonstrated excellent leadership and initiative and is a very deserving recipient of the Emeriti Scholarship.

Alexander Hartofelis - Emeriti Scholar

Alexander Hartofelis - Emeriti Scholar

Alexander Hartofelis is a student in the Hartt School with a major in Music Education. He currently has a 3.97 GPA. Alexander has made important contributions to service as a member of two music related executive boards. One is the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) in which he assisted in organizing fundraisers, social events, professional development sessions, and a conference trip to Pennsylvania during the spring semester of 2022. The other is the Hartt Choirs Student Association for which he was a founding member. As a member of the Hartt Choirs Students Association, he helped create a council to represent the students in the Hartt Choirs. Through the council a more coordinated approach to choral music within the Hartt School was developed that was helpful to the students. He is taking courses in the Honors Program at the University of Hartford. For one of the honors courses, he conducted autoethnographic research that will be part of a presentation to be given at the Connecticut Music Educators Association annual in-service conference at the spring of 2022 meeting. This conference is the largest music educators conference in Connecticut and is one of the leading state music educators' conferences in the country. As a performer Alexander has been involved in several different opportunities at the University, including, the opera La Divina at the Handel Performing Arts Center, putting on his own Junior Voice Recital, working as a stagehand and Assistant Stage Manager for The Hartt School’s recent mainstage opera production of Hansel and Gretel, aiding in organizing an upcoming musical theater cabaret through NAfME, performing in several choir concerts, and in other performances over the years. Another aspect of his service was his involvement in the PRISM Autism Project for the Spring Semester of 2020. He was a buddy to a student with autism spectrum disorder. During the PRISM Project, he guided a student in music education and dance education settings. He was pleased to witness the growth of the student not only as a musician and dancer, but also as a person. The PRISM Project was one of his favorites. Alexander is an exceptional student and especially deserving of receiving the Emeriti Scholarship.

2021 Emeriti Scholars

Camryn Butera - Walter Harrison Scholar

Camryn Butera - Walter Harrison Scholar

Camryn is currently attending Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) in an osteopathic medical degree program. Camryn Butera is a junior in Arts and Sciences with a major in a Biology and a double minor in Chemistry and Psychology. She is an Honors student and currently has a 4.0 GPA. In addition, she was actively engaged in research for the past two years and involved in an array of extracurricular activities focused on improving the University community. Becoming a physician is a life-long goal of hers. In recognition of her academic achievement, she was awarded the Junior Regents Honor Award this year for being one of the highest academically achieving students within the College of Arts and Sciences. She is the recipient of a Dorothy Goodwin Scholarship from the Women’s Advancement office. The scholarship helped her to improve her professional skills and facilitated access to professional women. In the fall of 2019 Camryn joined the neuroscience research program directed by Dr. Paola Sacchetti and investigated the effects of a ketogenic diet on slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. This project interested her because Alzheimer’s Disease has been prevalent in her family. She mastered the concepts and the techniques and within the first semester designed her own experiment. The data collected from the experiment in her authorship on a poster presented at the regional neuroscience conference NEURON in Spring 2020, making her the most junior author in the research group. Despite the pandemic, she continued research during the past year, which resulted in a new authorship on a poster presented at NEURON in the spring of 2021. In her role as a Resident Assistant (RA) Camryn has displayed excellent interpersonal and leadership skills that provide support to the residential community. Last semester, Camryn was responsible for Quad 6 in the Village by herself. In total, Camryn had approximately 120 upperclassmen residents while most of her peers had 30-60. She adeptly handled multiple room changes, roommate mediations, apartment inspections, and policy violations while keeping her resident community engaged and supported. The other leadership position she holds on-campus is as a College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador. As an Ambassador she interacts with potential new students and provides important insights from a student point of view about the University of Hartford. During her time at the University of Hartford she has become involved in many clubs dedicated to service, including the Women for Change club, the Dreams are Real club, the Women Against Rape and Sexual Assault club, the Delta Zeta Sorority, the Pre-Medical club, and a peer support workshop tutor. Through these clubs, she has become involved in the broader concerns of campus community. Her membership in the Delta Zeta Sorority has resulted in participation in many fund-raising events and in volunteer work at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford. Camryn has demonstrated excellent scholarship and service work at the University of Hartford.

Dana Brooks - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Dana Brooks - Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Dana Brooks is an Honors student in the College of Arts and Sciences with a 4.0 GPA. She is a Criminal Justice major with a double minor in Sociology and Spanish. Her plans are to graduate early from the University of Hartford, attend law school after graduation, become a criminal defense lawyer, and to work for reform of the criminal justice system with special consideration for marginalized and oppressed people. In order to graduate early she is taking a full (maximum) credit load each semester and summer courses. On campus Dana participates in a variety of service and leadership positions. She is a Residential Assistant (RA) and works with approximately 50 residents. Work as an RA involves mediating roommate disagreements, issuing/helping incident and conduct reports, and connecting residents to different resources, clubs, and programming on campus. Dana was hand-selected to be a College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassador. This position is involves interacting with prospective University of Hartford students. She participates in recruiting webinars and describe opportunities within majors and minors, details the many resources and organizations available on-campus, and provides her perspective on the college experience at the University of Hartford. Currently, Dana is the Vice President of the Rotaract Club, a youth affiliate of the Rotary Club organization. Rotary is a “global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem solvers who see the world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves”. In partnership with Hartford Rotary and the Rise Against Hunger organization, the Rotaract Club was able to come together and package meals to be distributed in the Hartford community. The Rotaract Club also does community service for our University community. She also serves as the Praise Dance Captain and works as a Supervisor in the Sports Center. Participation in these activities demonstrates her commitment to assisting others. Dana is a strong believer of giving back to the community that has provided support for you. Because of this, she started a scholarship for the Fellowship of Christian Athlete Club at her former high school. Last year, she was able to donate $700 for a student to use in their college journey. Dana has an excellent record of scholarship and service.

Sydney Lewis - Emeriti Scholar

Sydney Lewis - Emeriti Scholar

Sydney graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree with a concentration in environmental engineering and a minor in psychology. Sydney now works for Tighe & Bond as a consulting Civil Engineer in their water/wastewater business line, and takes on both construction and design roles for a variety of projects, including drinking water mains, clean water and wastewater treatment plants, and sewer rehabilitation. Sydney Lewis is a junior in CETA with a major in Civil Engineering and a minor in Psychology. She is an Honors student with a 3.92 GPA and is a member of the Engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi. Last year she received the Dean of Student’s Recognition of Service Award. She is actively involved in a faculty research project for analyzing the condition of Connecticut bridges for the Department of Transportation. She also participates in a variety of extracurricular activities. It is unusual for a freshman to be recommended for an internship but at the end of Sydney’s freshman year, her advisor was so impressed with her professional demeanor that the advisor contacted a colleague about possible internships in New Jersey. Sydney impressed the Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority with the result that she was hired to work as a summer intern at a wastewater treatment plant in New Jersey. Without much engineering experience at that point, she was able to learn about the process of wastewater treatment by spending time in several departments. In the laboratory, she worked on many of the tests required by government standards. Sydney interacted with people in engineering as well as contractors for the plant and was able to investigate various aspects of their work such as monthly inspections, creating AutoCAD drawings, and analyzing plans for new thickening discs and other piping systems. For this upcoming summer, she has accepted an internship with Mott MacDonald in West Springfield working in the water/wastewater sector as a Civil Engineering intern. Sydney is an active member of the highly selective Leadership, Education, and Development (LEAD) program at the University of Hartford. This program helps students identify their strengths, explore opportunities, and overcome challenges. In 2019, as a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Sydney led a contingent of women engineering students to the National SWE conference in California. To no one’s surprise, she left the conference with an offer for a summer internship. The trip was incredibly successful with every person in the group gaining some sort of opportunity whether through interviews, connecting with employers, and being hired for full-time positions during the trip. Currently Sydney is the Vice President of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Additional activities include tutoring students and serving as a lab instructor for the Department of Physics. She provides support and services to other students and members of the community through her work as a CETA Ambassador, as a Red Cap Orientation Leader, and for the Center for Student Success. Sydney has a record of excellent scholarship and service.

2020 Emeriti Scholars

Margaret Hofbauer - Walter Harrison Scholar

Margaret Hofbauer - Walter Harrison Scholar

Margaret is a rising Senior with a GPA of 4.0 pursuing a Bachelor of Health Science degree with an emphasis on Physical Therapy. Margaret is a Resident Assistant, participates in the Student Government Association, is in the Honors Program, is a Chemistry, Biology, and Writing tutor and is an Asian Student Association executive board member. She is a Physical Therapy volunteer at the Hackensack Hospital University Medical Center, helps families in need at the Youth Center Family Promise in Paramus, New Jersey and mentored young girls at The Avenue in New York, NY.

Juli Dajci — 2020 Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Juli Dajci — 2020 Humphrey Tonkin Scholar

Juli is a Senior with a GPA of 4.0 pursuing Bachelor of Arts degrees in Politics & Government, Psychology and Mathematics. Juli speaks, reads and writes in 4 languages: English, French, German, and Albanian. At UHart he is a Resident Assistant, a Peer Tutor at the Center for Reading and Writing and a customer service representative at the Center for Student Success. Juli also served as Teaching Assistant and Preceptor in Pol110: Power & Politics in America and FYS100: Beauty, Body Image, and Feminism. Awards and acknowledgements include the 2019 Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Association Award, a PAYCE Fellowship and the Herbert P. Schoen Award.

Kyleigh Olivier — 2020 Emeriti Scholar

Kyleigh Olivier — 2020 Emeriti Scholar

Kyleigh is a rising Junior with a GPA of 3.83 pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis on Ballet Pedagogy and a minor in Management. Kyleigh welcomes incoming first year students as a Red Caps Orientation Leader, exposes first grade students to the arts by conducting dance activities at the University of Hartford Magnet School and develops her leadership skills at the National Society of Leadership and Success. She also trains students ages 5 to 16 in ballet, jazz and hip hop at the Connecticut Dance Academy and teaches Hartford Connecticut students in an after-school dance program at Spectrum in Motion.

2019 Emeriti Scholars

Juli Dajci - Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar

Juli Dajci - Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar

Juli Dajci is the 2019 Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar. Juli has 3 majors in the College of Arts and Sciences: Politics and Government, Psychology and Mathematics.

Alesha Heacock - Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar

Alesha Heacock - Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar

ince the 2019 ceremony, Alesha has completed a Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics, subsequently fulfilled residencies, and passed all board exams to begin her practice as a certified prosthetist orthotist (CPO). Throughout this time, Alesha also participated in various research programs, including prosthetic research that compared different knees available to various K-functional level patients using balance-related outcome measures, and the development of a new orthotics outcome measuring tool. She was also published in the O&P Edge magazine for an independent research endeavor that bridges prosthetics with Spanish to augment informed decision-making for patients with lower extremity prosthetics.

Quimby Wechter - Emeriti Scholar

Quimby Wechter - Emeriti Scholar

Quimby Wechter is a 2019 Emeriti Scholar. Quimby is pursuing a Doctorate of Physical Therapy in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions. She is also pursuing Minor Degrees in Business and Biology. Quimby is the first repeat scholarship student. In 2018 she was the Walter Harrison Scholar.

2018 Emeriti Scholars

Quimby Wechter Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar

Quimby Wechter Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar

Quimby Wechter is the 2018 Walter Harrison Emeriti Scholar. Quimby is a Junior in the college of Education, Nursing and Health Professions majoring in Health Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy. She plans to obtain her Doctorate in Physical Therapy and work in pediatrics.

Kali Meadows Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar

Kali Meadows Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar

Kali Meadows is the 2018 Humphrey Tonkin Emeriti Scholar. Kali is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Biology on a pre-medical track, and plans to attend medical school.

Samantha Chasse Emeriti Scholars

The 2018 Emeriti Scholars

After graduating in 2019, Samantha received a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Hartford in 2022 and a physical therapy license from the State of Connecticut. Samantha is currently working at Advanced Physical Therapy in Torrington as an outpatient orthopedic provider. Samantha Chasse, is a College of Education Nursing and Health Professionals student majoring in Hearth Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy. Samantha’s future plans include a career as Pediatric Sports Physical Therapist.

2017 Emeriti Scholars

Alexandra Francisco

Alexandra Francisco

Alexandra Francisco attained a Bachelor of Science in the Colledge of Education, Nursing and Health Sciences Health Science/Pre-Professional program. She is now a Companion and Homemaker at Branford Hills Health Care Center in Branford, CT.

Sophie Kaye

Sophie Kaye

Sophie Kaye attained a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture's Acoustic Engineering and Music program. Sophie is now a General Engineer at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.

Kyle Vaccaro

Kyle Vaccaro

Kyle Vaccaro attained a Bachelor of Science from the College of Arts and Sciences Chemistry program. Kyle is now a Technical Assistant at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge Massachusetts.

2016 Emeriti Scholars

Kochava Krieger

Kochava Krieger

Kochava Krieger attained Mathematics and Secondary Education degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences. Kochava is a Cantorial Soloist in Winooski Vermont. We honored Kochava in our 2019 Newsletter.


Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin attained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Arts and Sciences in Psychology. Elizabeth is currently a Clinical Research Associate at Hartford Hospital.

Colin Worrich

Colin Worrich

Colin Worrich attained a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture in Acoustical Engineering and Music. Colin is currently an Acoustic Consultant at Acentech in Philadelphia.

2015 Emeriti Scholars

John Carlos Coloma

John Carlos Coloma

John Carlos Coloma attained a Bachelor of Arts degrees in European and American History and Spanish from the College of Arts and Sciences

Nicole Tomasik

Nicole Tomasik

Nicole Tomasik graduated from the Barney School of Business as an accounting major. Nicole is currently a Senior Associate, Business Tax Services at KPMG in Hartford. She was honored in out 2019 Newsletter.


2014 Emeriti Scholars

Brittany Sue Hines

Brittany Sue Hines

Brittany Sue Hines graduated from The Hartt School with a degree in Musical Theater.

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy graduated with a double major in Psychology and Sociology from the College of Arts and Sciences. Melissa is a Part-Time House Manager at Triology Behavioral Healthcare in Chicago.

2013 Emeriti Scholars

Anna Pan

Anna Pan

Anna Pan graduated with a double major in Accounting from The Barney School and Biochemistry from the College of Arts and Sciences. Anna is now a Senior Data Scientist at The Hartford. This picture shows Anna with Leo Smith, our Scholarship Chair at the time. We honored Anna in our 2018 Newsletter. Anna graduated from UC Berkeley with an MBA and currently works as a senior data scientist at Salesforce. She is also on staff at The Hartt School as a collaborative pianist and enjoys being back on the University of Hartford campus.


Anna Pan Today

Anna Pan Today

A recent picture of Anna we used in our 2018 Newsletter.

2012 Emeriti Scholars

Yaeli Foint (nee Lifshutz)

Yaeli Foint (nee Lifshutz)

Yaeli Foint graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Criminal Justice, Psychology and Sociology from the College of Arts and Sciences. Yaeli is now a PhD candidate at the University of Massachusetts Boston studying Organizational and Social Change.

Megan Ogden

Megan Ogden

Megan Ogden graduated from The Hartt School.

2011 Emeriti Scholars

Andrea Wojcik and Michael Thatcher

Andrea Wojcik and Michael Thatcher

Andrea Wojik graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communications and Gender Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences. Andrea is now a PhD Candidate in Technology and Society Studies at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Michael Thatcher graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture with a minor in Mathematics from the College of Arts and Sciences. Michael is currently a Civil Engineering Group Leader at Tetra Tech in Orlando Florida. Andrea and Michael are with Leo Smith our then Chair of the Scholarship Committee.

Michael Thatcher

Michael Thatcher

Michael Thatcher addressing the Emeriti Association during our October 2011 Plenary Meeting.

2010 Emeriti Scholars

Natalie Garcia

Natalie Garcia

Natalie Garcia graduated with a degree in Psychology from the College of Arts and Sciences. Natalie aspires to be a school social worker or psychologist.

Betsy Kadapuram

Betsy Kadapuram

Betsy Kadapuram graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Arts and Sciences. Betsy was married soon after graduation and moved to Oklahoma to complete her pediatrics residency.

Natalie Garcia and Betsy Kadapuram

Natalie Garcia and Betsy Kadapuram

Natalie and Betsy joined us at our October 2010 Plenary Meeting

2009 Emeriti Scholar

Biliana Mihaylova

Biliana Mihaylova

Biliana Mihaylova graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from the College of Arts and Sciences with a minor in Marketing from The Barney School. She received a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Northeastern University. She is now a National Accounts Manager at Hayden Valley Foods Inc.

2008 Emeriti Scholar

Carl Vogel

Carl Vogel

Carl Vogel graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Acoustical Engineering and Music from the College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture. He served as an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at UHart. He graduated from Penn State University with a Master of Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School. Carl is a partner and head of research at 6th Man Ventures, a venture capital firm that partners with founders  building the world's most impactful crypto technologies and products. Prior to investing, Carl worked as a product management lead at Google and Paxos. His career as an engineer and strategic analyst began at General Dynamics Electric Boat, where he worked on next-generation submarine concepts. Carl graduated from the University of Hartford in 2010 from the acoustical engineering & music program and remains grateful for what he gained from the cross-disciplinary program, for the incredible students and lifelong friends he met on campus, and for the mentorship of Dr. Robert Celmer, who built the program. Carl also holds a MBA from Harvard Business School and a Master of Engineering degree from Penn State University.  Carl says he enjoys the lively startup ecosystem of New York City, which is his home base.

2007 Emeriti Scholar

Rachel Waddell

Rachel Waddell

The School of Music, Theatre, and Dance is thrilled to introduce Dr. Rachel Waddell as the next conductor of the University Symphony Orchestra and director of orchestras at Colorado State University. Dr. Waddell comes to CSU from the University of Rochester where she has served as the director of orchestral activities. She is the co-founder and president of Conductors for Change, an organization dedicated to re-examining the role and responsibility of the American orchestra to create an equitable community and culture reflective of the people we serve. Doctor Rachel Waddell graduated with a Bachelor of Music, Music Composition and Vocal Performance from The Hartt School. She received a Master of Music, Orchestra Conducting from the Northern Arizona University and a Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. She is currently the Director of Orchestral Activities at the University of Rochester.