See our Study and Collaboration Spaces page.
The Mortensen Library has two classrooms, The Woods Family Center for Learning and Instruction (Woods) and The KF Room. Each room has AV and computer projection for classes, library instruction, and meetings. See the information below about scheduling and policies for each room.

Woods Family Center for Learning and Instruction
The Woods Family Center for Learning and Instruction (Woods) is located on the main level of Harrison Libraries, Room L203C, and is available by appointment only. Contact the Reference Department (860.768.4142) at least one working day in advance (i.e. Friday for Monday class) to make an appointment for use of the classroom for use via instructor. One week in advance for librarian instruction.
- A librarian can be available to lead your research class or the instructor may choose to lead the class. One week's notice is required for librarian-assisted instruction.
- The classroom is available only for curricular purposes, for classes requiring the installed technologies. Usage is limited to the length of a single scheduled class. This classroom is not available for regularly scheduled classroom use.
- Priority is given to classes conducted by library or FCLD staff. Non-library or FCLD classes may be subject to cancellation with one working day's notice, if a library class conflicts.
- Only University-sponsored groups may use the classroom. The room is not available to non-University groups.
- Seating is limited to 35.
- Printing is available to the public workstations throughout the library.
- No food or drink is permitted in the classroom.
- Equipment damage, repair or replacement costs are the responsibility of the person reserving Woods, who must remain in the room for the entire period.
- The person reserving Woods is responsible for cleaning the room, including ensuring that no personal belongings have been left behind.
- Projector
- Laptop WiFi Connection
- 16 lab computers
- Interactive Display
- Smartboard
- Lecture Capture
- Airplay

The KF Room
The KF Room is located on the main level of Harrison Libraries, Room L213, and is available by appointment only. Contact Reference Services, 860.768.4142, at least one working day in advance to make an appointment for use of the room.
Usage is limited to the length of a single scheduled class. This space is not available for regularly scheduled classroom use.
- Priority is given to:
- Presidents’ College events.
- Emeriti Faculty Association.
- Classes conducted by library or FCLD staff.
- Seating is limited to 49.
- Equipment damage, repair or replacement costs are the responsibility of the person reserving the space, who must remain in the room for the entire period.
- The person reserving the space is responsible for the room, including ensuring that no personal belongings have been left behind.
- No food or drink is permitted in the space.
- Projector
- Laptop Connection
- Computer
- Interactive Display
- Lecture Capture
- Airplay