
Updated Event Registration Process

August 29, 2023
Submitted By: Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion

The event registration process for all student organizations has moved to the UHart Hub. Student organizations will no longer use 25Live. We are thrilled to officially announce the new, efficient, one-stop-shop system in the UHart Hub!

We will be using the new UHart Hub Event Registration Form to promote events to students. If you are hosting a private office or department meetings/events, please continue to use 25Live to submit the room request.

How to submit an event on the UHart Hub:

  • Login to the UHart Hub with your UHart email and password
  • Select “Admin Dashboard” from the right login dropdown menu
  • On the left side of your Admin Dashboard, select “Events”
  • You will see the events you have registered, or have access to, and allows you to create a new Event Registration Form submission
  • As you complete a new form, if you select “yes,” more questions will appear for more details relating to the question 

Submit an Event on the Hub

Please allow up to five (5) business days for your event to be approved depending on the complexity of your event. Simple events push through in a day or two, but some require additional coordination. Please note that your office or department must be listed as an organization in the Hub in order to submit an event. Please contact Sara Punsky Howard if you would like to add your office or department to the UHart Hub organizations list.

Tips for a Successful Submission
  • Double-check your information as you scroll back up to save. While it's a little annoying to scroll back up to the top (system feature, not our choice), it does allow for a quick review of typos.
  • Make sure your dates and times are correct.
  • If you select marketing, you must upload an event-specific flyer/image, as this will be used on the University marketing outlets.
  • Attach a cover photo that will draw attention to your event
  • Please use the link in the event form to check space availability on the University calendar before requesting an event space
How to request a space on 25Live

(For private office or department meetings/events only)

Any person with a Hawkmail account can log in and view information within 25Live. However, only approved faculty and staff will be able to request locations and resources, and schedule events in 25Live. If you would like to get started, you can use the steps below.

  1. Become an authorized 25Live user
  2. Attend training. Training details will be provided after authorization has been granted.
  3. Begin using 25live to reserve space and request events.
  4. A detailed description is required for all events marked to go on UHart's online calendar(s). What is a good description? See dos and don'ts.
  5. Once events are approved, consider promoting it in UNotes

Reserve a Space on 25Live


Visit the Student Center Website for more information. Questions are always welcome! Please contact Sara Punsky Howard at, if you need Admin access on the Hub or with any questions.