Your Impact

View a snapshot of the vast impact your generosity continues to have on the UHart community.
At Hillyer College, students have the best of both worlds—a small college in a larger university setting, giving students opportunities to discover their passions while developing the skills to succeed. Your gifts to Hillyer supports our mission of untapping every student's potential through a comprehensive range of services and unique programming.
Gifts to Hillyer support:
- Small classes so students can thrive. Courses are catered toward different learning styles.
- Faculty mentorship: each student has a faculty advisor they can meet with several times a week.
- Leadership opportunities such as the Student Ambassador Program and Student Mentorship Program that give students a chance to hone their skills and share their knowledge with future students.
- Resources and tools, such as the Hillyer Study Center, the Writing Lab, and the Mat Lab, making sure each Hillyer student has all they need to succeed academically.
- The Hillyer Honors Program, which offers interdisciplinary classes, educational field trips, opportunities for hands-on learning experiences, chances to pursue independent projects, and exposure to leaders in their field of interest.
If you are considering making a greater and more lasting impact through a leadership gift or by naming Hillyer or the University in your estate plans, we invite you to contact us to learn more.