Storm Advisory

Sunday, Feb. 16
At this time, based on current forecast projections, the University is scheduled to open Sunday at 10 a.m. An update will be posted early Sunday morning by 6 a.m.


Researcher Information

The Harrison Libraries provide research services and resources to University of Hartford students, faculty, staff, and other users. Please follow the links below to learn more about research in the Libraries:

Borrowing and Renewing Policies
Consult our borrowing charts to see how long you can check out library materials and learn how and when fines are assessed.

Course Reserves
Find materials currently on reserve for university courses.

Dissertation and Thesis Submission
Learn how to submit a copy of your dissertation/thesis to the Harrison Libraries.

Learn about computers and audio/visual playback equipment for use in the libraries, or laptops and recording equipment that can be checked out.

Find Materials
Start your research, or contact a librarian for help.

Interlibrary Loan
Learn how to access materials not owned by the Harrison Libraries.

New Titles
Discover the latest materials to be added to the Libraries’ collections.

Research Databases
See our full list of online databases.

Research Help
Contact a reference librarian for help with your research.

Start Your UHart Journey Now