
Allen Technology

Student and professor working on a laptop in an Allen Library listening room..

The Allen Library provides equipment for in-house use and for checkout to University of Hartford students, faculty, and staff.

For complete information about technology in the Mortensen and Allen Libraries, see our main Technology page.

For more information about Allen equipment, or to reserve equipment for checkout, please contact:

Mike Anderson

Equipment in the Libraries

The Allen and Mortensen Libraries provide a variety of equipment for in-house use:

Equipment for Checkout

Circulating equipment is available for checkout to current university students, faculty, and staff. Most items are due back one day after checkout, but loan periods vary by item type and we can often extend due dates for specific projects. Please contact Mike Anderson for questions about equipment and availability, or to set up a reservation.

The Allen Library staff can provide basic assistance with the use of this equipment. More in-depth questions about recording equipment and iPads should be directed to Lief Ellis, Hartt's Performing Arts Technology Specialist (860.768.5501 or