
Blackboard Guides and Videos

Navigate to the appropriate section below to find the guide or video you need, then click the + button to open it.

As of November, 2020, the Content Editor toolbar in Blackboard has changed.  Here are some helpful tips for you. 

Quick Videos:

Written Instructions


For more information, visit FCLD's Teaching with Technology page, which has even more Ensemble resources.

Written Instructions
Quick Videos

Blackboard Collaborate Best Practices (for Students and Instructors)

Below are some recommendations for making your experience with Blackboard Collaborate better.

  1. Google Chrome is the preferred browser for Blackboard Collaborate. Firefox can also be used.  Never use Edge or Internet Explorer browsers.
  2. Be sure to disable any streaming, chat or social media applications (e.g. Skype, Netflix, YouTube, Facebook), etc.
  3. When entering the session for the first time, it will ask you to allow webcam and microphone. You need to permit both of these.  A pop-up will appear for the first time.  If you accidentally click no, you will need to click the lock icon at the top of the window in the address bar to change your settings.  If you have further difficulty, contact ITS at
  4. If you have audio/connection problems, first try refreshing the browser window. If that doesn’t work, try closing the Collaborate tab and re-enter.  If you continue having issues, click the three bar icon in the upper left to connect via phone.
  5. You will need to allow third- party cookies and allow popups.
  6. Your instructor may have disabled microphones and webcams at the onset. Be prepared not to hear anything until the time your class starts.
  7. To chat, click the purple << tab in the lower right and click the chat bubble. Make sure you type your question to everyone.

For information on how to use Compass, please visit About Compass.

The University of Hartford is Piloting the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor during the spring session of 2020.  For more information on Respondus, visit the pages below:

Faculty and students needing support on Respondus should reach out directly to the vendor or by emailing

Written Instructions

FCLD is not responsible for the maintenance or support of third-party integrations.  We recommend if Faculty need help with setting up an integration, or if they experience issues with integrations within their course, they contact the vendor directly.  Below are vendor-supplied resources to assist you.

Written Instructions